Chapter 2071 Cracks Already Appeared

On the screen, the little mermaid comes out of the water...

The Demon God stared at the Little Mermaid, his eyes almost glowing.

"So...she looks so cute in human form..."

War God said with disgust: "Wipe the drool around your mouth."

The demon god really wiped it off, his hands were dry, and roared angrily, "You're playing tricks on me!"

God of War pointed to the room.

The demon god shut up again in an instant.

"Finished?" God of War asked.


Demon God watched it over and over until his phone died.

The demon god shook the machine vigorously, "What's the matter with this thing! Why doesn't it move!"

"out of battery."

"Electricity? Is it thunder? I can draw lightning!"

Before God of War opened his mouth to stop him, the demon god had already struck by a bolt of lightning.

The phone made a loud popping sound, fell apart, and emitted black smoke.

Demon God: "..."

God of War Fu forehead: "You are a clone that I created when I was young, more or less stupid."

Young and vigorous, with the strongest combat power, but also the most immature and least sober mind.

The demon god was angry: "You are enough."

The God of War took away the chessboard, and it seemed that the game could not go on.

"Okay, let's get down to business, after watching this video, what do you think?"

" so cute."

"Stupid guy, I'm talking about video content!"

"If you say I'm stupid again, I'll turn around and leave. I won't cooperate with you."

God of War took a deep breath, and kept telling himself that this was when he was young, and he was more or less rebellious, so bear with it!

"The enemy in front of you is not the enemy, and the battle situation is not the real battle situation. After thousands of years of training, the real enemy is outside the realm."

"...There are worlds beyond the three thousand worlds?"

"The world is so big, there are cities outside the city, there are countries outside the ocean, there is a universe in the blue sky, and there are three thousand worlds in the universe. Outside the three thousand worlds, there are cities, countries, and universes... The struggle for resources will never stop. "

"The struggle for resources..."

"Isn't the origin of the war between the heaven and the devil because of resources?"

"It's a resource."

"Most of the wars in the mortal world also originated from the unfair distribution of resources, but this kind of unfairness comes from God. In some places, there is insufficient rainfall, which leads to drought. In other places, the weather is good. In order to survive, people will rob people of food. In some places The population is large, but the land resources are limited. After the land is full of houses, there will be nowhere to plant them, and they will go to other places to buy food. If they cannot be bought, there will be wars and robbing..."

"Do you think that outside the three thousand worlds, there will be a possibility of lack of resources, and then attack us?"



"The monk I met in the cave is not from this world."

"Cave? Cultivator? You mean when you were a small villager, when you first came into contact with the world of cultivating immortals..."


"If he is not from this world, how would those monks know of his arrival? Why did they go to that small village to find someone?"

"The meteorite fell from the sky. Those people found an abnormality and locked the direction before going to find someone. They didn't know who it was. They just thought it was a master fighting falling from the sky. It seemed to be a meteorite from outside the sky."

"How do you know, he is not from this world..."

"I thought that I would become the God of this world, and let you go to the demon world to see if there is such a skill in the demon world, but there is none. This skill is a foreign thing."

"Maybe the skeleton wrote it scribbled by himself? Are you thinking too much?"

The God of War shook his head and looked up into the sky: "Cracks have already appeared."

(End of this chapter)

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