Chapter 2076

It was only later that the situation became uncontrollable.

The demon god and him are one, so it is understandable to be attracted by the same person.

He won't be like a demon god, who can't protect the person he wants to protect, and let Xiao Wuyong save him in turn.

So he chose to send the little Baibai beast away. In fact, after the little Baibai beast left, he kept watching and followed her with a divine sense. He didn't feel relieved until she went to the dungeon to meet her father.

He believed that this huge ancient murderer would be able to protect her well.

From the old father's words, as well as recalling all kinds of things in the past, Baibai Xiaoshou made a good guess about the matter, and was about to leave the dungeon immediately, wanting to find the God of War or the God of Demons.

If God of War is afraid that he will ruin his plan, then she will go to Demon God, that's the same!

It's just that the back collar of fate was caught by the old father.

"What are you going to do, you useless thing to die! You can't go anywhere until you become stronger!"

The little white beast has received "love" from the old father!
After being trained by the devil, the little white beast feels that he has become much stronger, at least he can transform into an adult at will, instead of a child.

"Do you think you are strong?"

She wanted to leave again, but was ruthlessly rejected by her old father.

This time, the old father ordered: "If you defeat the father, you can become a teacher."

" too difficult."

"You can't even fight as a father, you will only be a burden to the God of War if you go out."

"Troublesome?!!! I'm not!!!"

She was enraged.

Therefore, he practiced hard day and night.

She just wanted to help God of War.

It is useless not to want to be a demon god, but it is useful if you want to be a devil.

She doesn't want to be the beast of the god of war, but a comrade who fights side by side!
While she was practicing hard, the news that the God of War and the God of Demons were the same person spread in the heavens.

At first, no one took it seriously, until someone asked why the war had been tied for many years, and the God of War and the Demon God had never fought in a real sense.

A shrewd immortal found something strange when he analyzed it.

There is some loss, but the loss seems to be some people who were sent to the War God's barracks through the back door, or some people with bad records.

Could it be that there are still people who choose to die on the battlefield?
Some people say that the Demon God is the clone of the God of War.

This statement was rejected by many people.

The avatar must be weaker than the main body, so how could it be the same god?

It is impossible for the avatar to become a god at all. Does the avatar itself have another calamity to save?
"Ming Shenjun, please take out your life book, and let us watch the scene of God of War crossing the catastrophe."

Many celestial lords who have opened the eyes of the sky visit the Siming God and ask him to show the life book, or directly enter the life book as a bystander, a passer-by to watch the scene.

Only when you are there will you know the truth.

Siming Shenjun wiped his cold sweat.

"What? Is there something the Commander-in-Chief is hiding from us?"

One person pulled out a little fairy, pointed to the little fairy and said, "He said that you once told him about the God of War's destiny to cross the catastrophe. In the story, the God of War is very different before and after. I don't know if it is true or not? Or is it true that there are two personalities?" Mars?"

"This..." Siming Shenjun wiped the sweat from his forehead, and cursed inwardly: "It's a mistake to drink!"It's a mistake to drink! ! !

He extremely regretted opening his life book on Xuannv's birthday, and even regretted going to Xuannv's birthday.

"The God of Destiny! Can you let me have a look at the book of fate?"

"Designer God!"

"Can I borrow my life book!"

One after another voices came with coercion and oppression. The Lord Siming was invincible at all. He took out his life book with a bitter face, and said hoarsely: "Friends of Taoism, let's take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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