Chapter 2077 You know how to be funny

"This... the guy who destroyed the world in the beginning is the God of War himself?"

"Is the difference too big?"

"Later, the second personality was...God of War, right?"

"I also think that the second personality is the God of War."

"But the No.1 grid appeared first, so the No.1 grid is the main body, right?"

"Is something wrong? Both personalities have become gods? One is a demon god and the other is a war god?"

"Has any of you seen the true face of the God of War?"

The crowd shook their heads.

The person who asked the question lowered his face: "I have the honor to meet the Demon God."

"What? Have you seen the Demon God? How did you see it? Doesn't the Demon God not take off his mask?"

The man sneered and turned into the main body.

His body turned out to be a snow-white "big cat"!
In fact, it is a big snow-white tiger, but it looks a little fatter than ordinary tigers, so it looks a little naive, more like a fat cat.

"He took me away forcibly back then. Fortunately, I was clever and stole his elixir. Later, I hid in the cave for thousands of years, but I cultivated it into a fairy body."

"This..." Someone said weakly: "You are somewhat similar to the fat cat in the book."

"How dare you say I'm fat!!!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hahaha, fellow daoist, don't get angry."

"I can be sure that Hua Zhan in the book is the Demon God! They have exactly the same face, and the scar is exactly the same!"

"Even so... No one can be sure that the God of War has this face, after all, we have never seen the true face of the God of War—"

"This goddess has seen it."

When everyone heard the reputation and looked around, they saw Nine Heavens Profound Girl standing not far away, her eyes dim.

"The God of War and the Demon God are the same person."

Nine Heavens Xuannv made an assertion.

Even the future Taoist companion of the God of War stood up and said, everyone, you look at me, I look at you, there is really no reason not to believe it.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is always the person next to you.

Those who knew the truth blocked the way of Dijun and Tiandi.

Dijun: "I don't know, I don't care, I'm very busy, so I yell."

Heavenly Emperor: "I just want to eat and wait to die. I don't believe what you say, stop messing around, let's go."

Both of these two are clearly hands-off shopkeepers.

Everyone trapped them, but how could they be trapped.

The two still slipped away.

The Heavenly Emperor and the Emperor met in Yaochi, the Heavenly Emperor was still a little scared, and patted his heart: "This is a huge problem, why is it only me who encounters it, why does it happen that I am the Emperor of Heaven, and why my old patriarchs have not encountered it , if they ever met, I still have a reference! Now what do I do?"

Dijun: "I believe in God of War."

The Emperor of Heaven raised his forehead: "Whether the God of War is good or bad, I only know that the magic army has never entered the heaven. Over the years, even if it is acting, the God of War has performed well. I am very satisfied! I am actually very happy. If the God of War I am truly alone with the Demon God, this war will always be a draw, so I can sit back and relax!"

The corner of Dijun's mouth twitched: "You know how to be funny."

"I'm not joking, I'm telling the truth from the bottom of my heart!"

"Ha ha."

"Next, I'll pretend I don't know. Do you think it's okay?"

"What do you think?" Dijun squinted at him.

The Emperor of Heaven sighed: "Then I'll pretend to be sick, right? They can do whatever they want. I'm sick, so I didn't come to see Lao Tzu!"

Dijun nodded: "It is possible."

The two left separately, but before the Emperor of Heaven could spread the news that he was ill, the news that the emperor had gone to the battlefield came out.

The Emperor of Heaven roared angrily: "If you give me a little time to pretend to be sick, you will die! You will only cause trouble for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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