Chapter 2081 Fighting side by side with you
"Grandma Tree?" Little Taotie subconsciously looked at Hua Jinyan.

Hua Jinyan has an innocent face.

Little Taotie coughed dryly: "That's not the point, you go on."

Bai Shuang lowered her head, and after many lifetimes, the initial hatred for Little Taotie and God of War has long since faded away. The culprit of Granny Shu's death was Xuannv, who had a debtor and a wronged person. She held all the hatred in the nine days On Xuannv's head.

"Grandma Tree said that Qingluan came back when Qingluan's mother was seriously ill. After she left, Qingluan's mother went to the old tree and told Granny Tree that Qingluan was no longer Qingluan. Granny Tree only thought she was old and confused. , or Qingluan has been away for too long, and his personality has changed drastically."

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan looked at each other, and they could almost figure it out.

Qingluan of Qingqiu is Qingluan of Qingqiu.

But when Qingqiu's Qingluan went to heaven and became Xuannv's Qingluan, this Qingluan might have already been replaced.

Just like Qingluan can use talisman paper to become the God of War, becoming so seamless and flawless.

So the foreign object was transformed into Qingluan in this way.

"But the later Qingluan..." Little Taotie thought of the Qingluan he saw in Her Royal Highness's dream, and the Qingluan who went to the island with him later, they didn't look very smart.

Hua Jinyan speculated: "Is there a possibility that the fake Qingluan successfully turned Xuannv and the God of War against each other, and made Xuannv expose that the God of War and the God of War are the same person, and then he left and went to the outside world to report the news. It is also because the external domains know that all the internal conflicts here are fake, and there are many resources that can be coveted, so several external domains joined forces to attack the Three Thousand Worlds."

Little Taotie was silent, Hua Jinyan didn't recover his memory, but he had already guessed about it.

She recalled the memory of Yuanshen rushing into her body to recover...

The blood was shining in the sky, too many innocent mortals had died, blood clouds appeared, and when the scorching sun was shining in July, snow fell with goose feathers.

Worlds and planets are being destroyed continuously, like a meteor shower. Every time a star falls, it is the destruction of a small world.

The luck of the realm has been taken away, and the morality of the realm has been taken away...

The Demon God and the God of War are united to fight against foreign powerhouses.

Those alien creatures, alien arks... more and more.

She also participated in the war and turned into a gigantic beast, swallowing whatever she saw...

Her belly was getting bigger and bigger, and she had never known what it was like before...

She felt like she was about to explode.

Five figures appeared above the sky, they were five supreme powers from outside.

Their eyes seemed to be looking at ants, contemptuous, indifferent, and chilling.

They joined forces to attack the God of War, and those immortals and gods who were originally against the God of War finally knew the truth, and now they went up like cannon fodder to counteract those attacks.

They turned into wisps of green smoke, dying and disappearing.

But even so, those attacks are still violent and deadly, they are like mayflies shaking trees, so useless, but magnificent.

Seeing that those attacks were about to fall on God of War, she didn't know where she got the courage to rush forward like this. Maybe it was because she was overfed and her brain was not getting enough blood, so she was a little bit panicked.

The huge body blocked three attacks, and she opened her mouth to swallow two more attacks, but it reached the limit, and she was about to explode.

At that moment, she rushed towards five strong outsiders. She didn't know how many of them would be taken away by self-destruction, but at least one could be taken away, right?

If she couldn't take one away, she would look down on herself!
She smiled one last time to God of War, and said: I... can fight side by side with you.

She didn't expect that the only battle she would fight alongside him would also be the last.

(End of this chapter)

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