Chapter 2082 Time flies

The sky is clear, the sun is shining, the sea is blue, the sky is green, the mountains are high and the water is flowing...

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Little Taotie showed a sweet smile, and Xiao Li dimple sank deeply.

"This world is so beautiful..."

She couldn't help but lament all this.

"All this is very real, should it be one of the three thousand small worlds?" Little Taotie looked up at the person on the tree.

Hua Jinyan picked the wild fruit she wanted and jumped off the tree.

"It should be. I'm going to wash the fruit."

"No need to wash." Little Taotie stretched out his hand directly.

Hua Jinyan wiped the fruit on his body a few times and handed it to her.

The little Taotie took a bite and frowned.

"very sour?"

"Not sour." She tried her best to keep smiling, and handed it over: "Taste it."

Hua Jinyan narrowed his eyes, seeing that she was playing tricks on him, but he still opened his mouth to take a bite.

"Is it sweet?" Little Taotie asked curiously.

Hua Jinyan swallowed expressionlessly: "Yes."

"How is it possible?" Little Taotie took a bite where Hua Jinyan had bitten, frowning sourly: "You lied to me!"

Hua Jinyan laughed softly: "Everything you give me is sweet."

Little Taotie rolled his eyes at him, turned around and continued to look at the scenery.

"Here, it's a bit like the lion tribe's territory." Little Taotie tilted his head and sighed: "But it's just like it."

Little Taotie was slightly lost in thought.

She blew herself up during the battle, so it should have helped.

Otherwise, Feng Qi wouldn't say that the little beast in vain died saving the God of War.

In fact, those five people went to God of War at that time, and she blew herself up, so God of War should be able to fight, right?
Maybe she will die in battle, but it should look better than when she blew herself up to death, right?

The heavens blocked the visitors from the outer domain and drove them away, otherwise there would not be the beautiful mountains and rivers, the blue sea and the blue sky.

It's just that the situation at that time, the three thousand small worlds, have more or less lost a lot?How many small worlds are left?

"What are you dazed for?"

Hua Jinyan inserted a flower with white petals in her hair.

Little Taotie reached out to touch the delicate little flower, and took out a small mirror to look at it: "Huahua, how much memory have you recovered?"

"I dream a little bit every day."

"When will you be able to remember everything?"

"The lifespan of the God of War is too long. It will take a long time to dream a little every day."

"Then you have to think about it quickly."


"Huahua, guess how good I was before?"

"How awesome?"

"I'll pick five!"

"That's pretty awesome."

"Secretly tell you, I've grown up... I look pretty good."

"I know……"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I knew you would be beautiful."

Little Taotie was suspicious: "Did you remember everything?"

Hua Jinyan stared at her with gentle eyes: "Because you look good now."

"Tsk!" Little Taotie curled his small mouth, turned his face away, his face was already flushed, and his small mouth muttered: "I'm always pretty."

Time flies, dazzling, and it's Tao Ti's birthday.

At the birthday party, there was the eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother, the gentleman, the brother Bin... and all the relatives in this life.

When the three souls and seven souls return to one, she can leave here to see what the current Three Thousand Worlds look like.

But she doesn't want to leave.

She was afraid that after she left, she would not find her way home.

Hua Jinyan didn't recover all of her memories, and Xuannv was still in a hidden state, and if she exposed her three souls and seven souls too early, she might change again.

"Happy birthday!"

Under the candlelight, the girl was surrounded in the middle, she joined hands to make a wish, and closed her eyes.

"Huh!" The candle went out.

(End of this chapter)

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