Chapter 2083 Little Glutton's Birthday Wish
"Sister, what wish did you make?" Cheng Guodong asked.

Qin Xin smiled and shook his head: "It won't work if you say it, don't tell him."

When the lights came on, the girl's smile caught everyone's eyes.

Her skin is fairer than snow, her eyes are bright and her teeth are bright.

The depths of those pupils are filled with starlight, and if they look at each other, they will be stunned by the bright light.

The small and tall nose, the delicate round nose, looks smart and delicate, a little less aggressive and beautiful, and a little more cute and friendly.

Her lip color is like lipstick, moist and plump, and the color is bright.

But she took a sip of the cream, and licked her lips with the tip of her pink tongue, making her lips more plump and moist without any smudges. It can be seen that it is not a painted color, but a natural pink cherry red.

The eyes are full of smiles, and the eyes are bent because of the smile, like crescent moons in the sky.

The two sunken dimples at the corners of her mouth were deep, as if they were filled with countless sweet syrups, making people involuntarily raise the corners of their mouths together, falling into her sweet smile and unable to extricate themselves.

A frown and a smile always touch people's hearts.

"My wish is simple, I want to make another movie."

"Are you still filming?"

"It's a sci-fi show."

Xiao Taotie took out a script and handed it to Cheng Guodong. Although she hadn't been an actor for many years, her manager was still the elder brother.

Cheng Guodong didn't understand why his sister suddenly wanted to appear in the eyes of everyone again.

Nearly ten years have passed, the entertainment industry has become bigger and bigger, and small fresh meat and flowers have emerged in endlessly. There are various talent shows for teenagers and girls in China, and many traffic stars have been born. There are also many teams of returnees. Gradually, in addition to those die-hard fans, Many people have forgotten the popular little child star back then.

Although Xiao Taotie still broadcasts live every day, the one-hour sleep live broadcast never appeared.

She has successfully made the public forget her face. Now whether she goes shopping or travels far away, passers-by pay more attention to her, just because she is a young and beautiful girl, not because she is a little girl. Gluttonous.

Cheng Guodong didn't know what kind of script would make her make such a decision.

Ten lines at a glance, originally a rough scan, but Cheng Guodong's movements slowed down, and there was even a feeling that the story had come to an end, but he didn't want it to end there. I hope this is not the end.

But the paper turned over the last page, and it was gone.

Cheng Guodong let out a breath: "Little Taotie."

Little Taotie looked up at him.

But what Cheng Guodong called was not the girl in front of him, but the little glutton in the script.

He finally understood why his sister played this role.

This is a small beast of the lion clan, but it is not a purebred lion clan member. It is a small beast born of Taotie and the princess of the lion clan, Suan Ni. It is difficult to define its identity. It is the second generation of fierce beasts, but It is also the second generation of beasts.

She is the favorite baby of the Lion Clan. She was not disliked by the clan because of her impure bloodlines. Instead, she was loved by everyone because she was cute and petite. The big lions liked to carry her around and play wildly.

The carefree days came to an end temporarily because of the arrival of the God of War. She was chosen as the mount of the God of War, but she was just a young animal, which had not yet grown up and could not go on the battlefield.

After getting along day and night, the relationship between God of War and Little Baibai has undergone a subtle change...

The cub always wanted to grow up, become stronger, and fight side by side with the God of War. Finally, she fought side by side with the God of War, but in such a heroic way, she turned into countless white snows and scattered in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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