Gu Yixing's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Are you my fan?"

The girl shook her head: "You are too old, it is my mother who likes you."

Gu Yixing was not angry, but laughed instead: "My fan's child is not bad, he has grown up so much."

"A star?"

"Hey, it seems a little familiar."

"I see, it's the one who only made space films recently."

"Oh oh oh, it's him. I used to shoot fantasies, but I didn't know what was wrong with me. I kept filming astronauts. The domestic dramas are not good. I haven't seen him for many years. gone."

"If it's a star, there seems to be no reason to be unfavorable to us, right? It's impossible to lack money enough to arrest us and sell our organs!"

"It's not necessarily true. The morals of the stars are too corrupt. There are many addicts. What can't be done?"

"That's true, it's definitely not a good person!"

Gu Yixing was annoyed: "Find out the situation, we are the ones who saved you now!"

"Save us? What does it mean to tie us up? Why does our ability fail?"

"You think we are willing?" Gu Yixing said angrily: "The supernatural beings we saved before started attacking with supernatural powers as soon as they woke up, regardless of the truth of the matter. Let me ask you, if you were not tied up, The ability has not expired, so what is the first thing you do when you wake up?"


"It seems... that makes sense."

"If I wake up, without knowing what's going on, I might act impulsively to make myself completely safe first."

"I will also attack those two strangers, subdue them first and then talk about the rest."

Gu Yixing spread his hands: "Because of this, we have been injured several times, and our memory has grown. When we save people now, we will first tie you up, give you an injection to temporarily disable your abilities, and then explain it clearly to you. "

Qin Xin pointed to the person locked in the jar: "This person stunned you with poison and wanted to take you away. Now that the blue star's aura is recovering, many people have just awakened their abilities, and they are still at a stage where they are relatively easy to be robbed. "

"Can the ability be robbed?" Someone was surprised: "Isn't this unique to us?"

Cheng Guodong sighed: "In order to survive, some people transplant organs, and in order to become stronger, some people also transplant abilities."

"Damn! Conscience! My powers were almost taken away by someone!" A man clenched his little finger tightly, with a look of grief that almost killed his parents.

"The matter has been explained clearly, can you untie us?"

"Yeah, it's too uncomfortable."

"Okay." Gu Yixing went over to untie them.

Cheng Guodong said: "You have two options right now. One is to stay in the car. This car will go directly to the army and you will serve. The other..." He took out a box, which was filled with small transparent bottles , like an injection.

"You have just awakened your powers, and you still have time to be ordinary people. After you lose your powers, those criminals who want to transplant them will stop staring at you."

"No! Impossible! Who has the ability and can choose to lose it?"

"Once possessed and then lost, it is better to kill me!"

"Yes, it's better to kill us!"

"We are women, do we have to serve?"

Cheng Guodong nodded: "Gender equality."

"Can we discuss it? My ability is already weak, and no one should take the trouble to transplant it. I am useless. I am timid and can't go to the battlefield. Can you let me go?"

"I'm also timid, and I don't want to be a soldier. powers are not very useful. It's just a little water coming out of my fingers. The water is not very useful..."

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