"Bitch! Coward!"

Gu Yixing was furious: "You only know about the revival of spiritual energy, do you know that humans have supernatural powers, those animals have also undergone abnormal changes, and even those plants have appeared to kill people! You only care about yourself, you are obviously supernatural beings, You should stand up and protect the people!"

"Speaking is better than singing! What about you? Are you a supernatural person? Why don't you go to war!"

"That's right, whoever says it won't say it!"

Gu Yixing's face turned pale, and he pursed his lips tightly.

He used to be a person with supernatural powers, but he fell into the hands of those people within a few days of awakening his supernatural powers. In the end, his supernatural powers were transplanted. If his elder brother, second brother and younger sister hadn't rushed to rescue him, he might have been murdered and silenced.

It is also because of this incident that he has participated in this operation, saving these supernatural beings again and again.

Qin Xin patted Gu Yixing's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "The past is all over."

Cheng Guodong's sharp and gloomy eyes swept over those who were fighting, "You guys, we can ignore you, you get out of the car immediately."

"What's the meaning!?"

"Drive us away?"

"We didn't say no to camp!"

"That's right, although we don't serve as soldiers or take part in the war, we can still go to the camp, right? Otherwise, those guys will come to you again..."

Cheng Guodong looked at him indifferently, "Say it, keep talking, you really have the face to say that you don't pay anything, just want to stay in the camp and eat free food?"

"I'm also from Blue Star! I should also be officially protected!"

"That's right, we are also people!"

"The authorities should protect us! Why do we have to force us to lose our powers? Can't we choose a way to get the best of both worlds! Let us keep our powers, and we don't need those of us who have not received special training to go to the battlefield!"

"We are just ordinary people. Although we have suddenly awakened our powers, we don't know them very much yet, and we are just delivering food on the battlefield!"

These people are determined to rely on the car.

Qin Xin laughed: "Such people are really not worth saving, it's better to let them be arrested."

Cheng Guodong glanced at him and shook his head: "It's all saved."

Gu Yixing pursed his lips tightly and looked out of the car window.

The driver was Chen Zi, who had been silent all the time. Suddenly, the car stopped.

Chen Zi got out of the car, swiped and opened the door: "Whoever made the noise, throw him down right now."

"Chen Zi, your temper... When did you become so angry?" Cheng Guodong helped his forehead.Chen Zi was obviously an old silver coin before, how did he become an explosive barrel?

Chen Zi went straight to grab people: "This? And this?"

"Let go of me! I won't get out of the car!"

"I'm not getting out of the car either!"

Chen Zi said angrily: "I can't help you!"

Chen Zi threw the people out of the car casually, and threw all those thorns out of the car.

"Let's get in the car!"

"what are you going to do!"

Under Che's frightening gaze, Chen Zi took out the people in the jar and walked out of the car door.
Throw it, then sit in the driver's seat, step on the accelerator, and walk away.

Cheng Guodong: "Is this... not right?"

Qin Xin smiled: "When saving people, I accidentally let that guy run away, and there were a few people who were too late to save, what's wrong?"

Chen Zi laughed: "Exactly."

The rest of the people in the car were trembling, afraid of being thrown out of the car.

Someone looked out the rear window of the car and saw those people running behind, and they disappeared after running.

"Will they...will fall into the hands of that guy, and then be caught and transplanted with abilities?"

"This...I don't know either."

"What should we do? These four people are not easy to talk about. What if we offend them and throw us all down?"

"Shall we be honest?"

Someone said: "I choose to serve in the camp."

"Me too."

"So are we!"

With the ability, no one can choose to lose it.

Now we can only choose to compromise temporarily.

When we arrive at the camp, there may still be room for negotiation.

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