The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 2127 Xiao Guo's strength is not as good as others

Little Taotie narrowed his eyes: "Aren't you running?"

"Yes! We're not running!"

"We came to China to learn how to master supernatural powers, not to be athletes!"

"Don't make any noise!" Jin Hancheng yelled: "Do what the coach tells us to do, and do what we talk so much nonsense!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Hancheng was the first to run away.

"Brother Cheng, what's going on?"

"Did he take the wrong medicine? Didn't he say before boarding the plane that he wanted to let the Chinese people see how good we are?"

Someone sighed softly: "Could it be because the coach is a woman?"

"Brother won't be against the coach..."

"Hey hey hey..."

Jin Hancheng's face turned red, and he roared angrily, "What are you doing! Run quickly!"

"To save face for Brother Cheng, just run and run, just as a warm-up."

"Yes, it's like exercising your muscles."

Little Taotie's face was pale.

She expected these people not to listen to her.

She took a deep look at Jin Hancheng who was running at the front.

The way this guy looks at him... well, it's a little familiar.

Like those crazy fans.

Should be one of the fans too.

Xiao Taotie looked at other places, and saw that some instructors had already started fighting with the students.

The situation with Xiao Guo is not optimistic either.

At this moment, Xiao Guo is showing his space, trying to convince the three students.

But who would have thought that a slap in the face happened.

The space for the three students is bigger than the other, and in the end, the space for him to be an instructor is not as large as the space for the students. Where is this... face?
"Instructor Guo, are you sure you are here to teach us?"

"Hehe, just rely on your strength? What qualifications do you have to teach us?"

"Is there no space department talent in China? If not, you can go to our H country to study!"

"That's right! Go to study in our H country, student Guo, I can barely be your tutor!"

"I... I have dual abilities! What do you brats know!"

"Oh? Double abilities? Then let us see another ability of Instructor Guo!"

"If the two abilities don't support each other, what's the use of using them? Come to think of it, the two abilities of Instructor Guo should be able to assist each other to achieve the strongest effect, right?"

Xiao Guo was a little bit confident that he could overwhelm them, but now he is a little bit hopeless.

"I... go to the bathroom."

Xiao Guo chose the urine escape very shamelessly.

As soon as he left, there were three bursts of laughter behind him.

"Is he old, frequent urination?"

"I can recommend several experts in this field to him."

"Is Huaguo at this level?"

"I really don't know why the higher-ups sent us here to waste time."

"It's only a year, treat it as a vacation."

"This is a place where the birds don't shit, vacation? Can you go out?"

"It seems impossible."

"Could it be that they have the final say? If they don't have the ability to teach us, why are we locked in this castle? Are we stupid?"

Xiao Guo almost went to the toilet covering his ears.

Whenever he panics and feels guilty, he will urinate urgently.

But when I went to the toilet, I couldn't urinate again.

He hurriedly looked for his phone, wanting to ask someone for help, when suddenly he touched a piece of chocolate.

He greedily asked Little Taotie for this piece of chocolate, but he never dared to eat it because he was afraid of spoiling his stomach.

But now... If you can eat your stomach badly, can you save some face?
It is because he is unwell that he is not an instructor, not because he is not strong enough.

He closed his eyes and swallowed the chocolate.

It was like swallowing a pill, without even a taste.

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