A fiery feeling rushed up from his stomach, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to turn into a fire-breathing warrior, as if he had eaten a huge spicy chili.

His belly was swollen, like an elephant that had eaten a whole head.

He struggled in pain for an unknown amount of time.

He thought it had been a long time, but in fact everything was just an instant, less than two seconds.

He was sweating like he just got back from a sauna.

But after sweating all over, the whole person is refreshed, as if reborn.

"Ah...it can't be!"

He was shocked to find that his space had doubled!
He ran out of the toilet, jumped on the spot, and jumped directly to the top floor of the castle.

"Ah! I... took off?"

He was a little panicked and didn't dare to jump down. The window he was leaning on was pushed by someone, and he fell down: "Ah——"

With a scream, his feet fell to the ground, safe and sound.

His screaming stopped, and he felt a little flustered.

"Have I taken the magic elixir?"

He didn't take the magic elixir, but chocolate!

"Could it be chocolate?"

The movement here has long attracted the attention of everyone in the open space. Everyone looked up and saw him jumping high. He jumped to the highest point in one jump, and then jumped down again. He was no longer a human being.

Perhaps, supernatural beings have not belonged to the category of human beings for a long time.

The three H country students who thought that Xiao Guo had passed out and wanted to go to the toilet to arrest him stood not far from the toilet, almost watching the "high jump" performance from a close distance.

"This...Super Saiyan?"

"Uh, it's a bit powerful."

"Hmph! Even if he is a dual-power user, we don't want him to teach us how to jump. We are here to learn space power!"

"You're right, no matter how powerful the jump is, what use is it to us?"

"As long as his spatial ability is not as good as ours, he is not qualified to teach us!"

The three of them who were already a little bit cowardly got back on their feet at this moment.

They were arrogant, raised their chins, and looked at Xiao Guo with the most contemptuous eyes, as if they were merciless judges.

"Is your toilet okay?"

"Instructor Guo, the toilet is ready, you should tell us, what do you use to teach us?"

"With your spatial abilities, what can you teach us?"

Xiao Guo walked towards the three of them, his guilty look no longer existed, and he was now full of energy: "I made a joke with you before, and I will show you my space again."

"Tch, what's there to show, no matter how you show it, it's just a little big."

"The space is not as big as mine, what qualifications do you have to teach me!"

"If your space doubles in size, you can barely teach us."

Their mentor in country H, the space is double the size of Xiao Guo's space.

Xiao Guo raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Then you have to watch it."

A huge space was displayed in front of the three of them, and only those with space abilities could feel the size of the space more intuitively.

"How did it suddenly become bigger?"

"Did you really just joke with us just now?"

"This is about the same strength as our original mentor."

"Barely, he can still teach us a little bit, but he will run out of talent soon! I will surpass him soon!"

Xiao Guo smiled: "Even if you can surpass me in the future, but now you are not as good as me, you must be a good student!"

Little Glutton's chocolate can help the space to expand!
that is really good!
Be sure to ask her to give me another one!

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