Little Taotie took the photo and glanced at it. It was a photo of her wearing a Nian beast costume and sitting under a persimmon tree eating small twists.

If I remember correctly, this is the photo on the small twist bag, right?

Little Taotie signed the words "Little Taotie" on the persimmon tree.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Taotie's eyes indicated that he could leave.

Jin Hancheng stood at the door of the office, showing no intention of leaving, and said with a smile, "I...I have nothing to do, shall I watch the door for you?"

"Your face is thicker than I imagined."

"Chief Instructor, you can see that I am also idle when I am idle..."

Little Taotie stretched out his hand and made a silent movement: "Since we are so free, let's run ten laps in the open space."

"Haven't you already run today?" Jin Hancheng looked puzzled.

"You are also idle when you are idle."

"I want to watch the door..."

"It's quite a watchdog. You can go to the gate of the castle and compete with that big white wolf for work." A person came from a distance, and the dim light hit his face, bright and dark.

"Who are you!" Jin Hancheng stood in front of the little Taotie, showing a protective posture: "Chief instructor, I will protect you!"

Little Taotie: "..."

The man walked in, revealing that handsome face.

The man's aura was very powerful, and a pair of heavy eyes fixed on Jin Hancheng.

Jin Hancheng felt like he was being watched by a beast.

He panicked a lot, but he still stood in front of the little Taotie, because he was tall and his whole body blocked the little Taotie tightly.

Little Taotie already knew who was coming from the other party's voice.

Hua Jinyan.

She raised her eyebrows, turned around and ignored the two of them, and went back to the office on her own.

"Get out of the way." Hua Jinyan spoke with a sense of oppression in his voice.

Jin Hancheng straightened his waist and blocked the door: "This is the chief instructor's office, not a place where idlers wait, and you can come here whenever you want!"

In fact, from the other party's words and deeds, as well as the other party's demeanor and appearance, Jin Han had a guess in his mind.


Since he is a rival in love, he will not let it go!
Who will give way to a rival in love!
Hua Jinyan met the hostile eyes of the other party, and a dangerous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's new here, you should keep your own place."

"As long as you dare to do something today, you will destroy the diplomatic relations between the two countries!"

"He's very good at putting gold on his face." Hua Jinyan stretched out his hand suddenly.

Jin Hancheng, who just raised his chest and looked up without fear of being beaten, suddenly knelt down with his head in his arms.

Hua Jinyan pretended to beat someone up, but actually raised his hand to straighten his hat. He looked playfully at the squatting man with his head in his arms, and smiled: "It seems that your bones are not as hard as your mouth."

Jin Hancheng's face turned red and blue, holding his breath: "I'm trying to avoid danger."

Because Jin Hancheng squatted down, the obstacle blocking his view was gone, and Hua Jinyan and the little Taotie in the office looked at each other.

Little Taotie curled his lips and mouthed: You are so boring.

Hua Jinyan didn't have the consciousness of bullying "children" at all. It seemed that it was a very interesting thing to play with a rival in love. The shoe stepped forward a little and stepped on Jin Hancheng's shoelace.

Jin Hancheng didn't notice this kind of detail. He felt that he hid too early just now, and now he has lost face, and he wants to get it back.

Jin Hancheng stood up abruptly, wanting to kick him.

But I didn't expect that the shoelace was stepped on, and I didn't lift my foot when I raised my foot, but I fell backwards due to the force of inertia, and fell on my back, extremely embarrassed.

If there is a hole in front of him, Jin Hancheng just wants to drill into it.

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