His back hurt like it was about to break, but he wanted to save face and didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the goddess.

He gritted his teeth and endured the pain, without saying a word, but his eyes were fiercely staring at the culprit.

This damn guy is still stepping on!

Jin Hancheng didn't dare to stand up, for fear of making a fool of himself again.

Hua Jinyan acted like he was belatedly aware, and withdrew his foot: "I'm sorry, I stepped on your shoelace."

If it weren't for the smile on the corner of his mouth that was too heart-wrenching, Jin Hancheng would have almost believed that he didn't do it on purpose just by hearing his sincere tone of apology.

"you do this delibrately!"

Jin Hancheng roared angrily and rushed to his feet, wanting to bump into him.

At the same time, his head and arms were hardened.

This is to use the ability.

Originally, the ability was not used, and it was a joke at most, but now that the ability is used, things have escalated.

Little Taotie, who has been watching the show, coughed: "Before coming to China, you should have signed an agreement. Except for training time, you are not allowed to use abilities at will within the territory of China."

"I..." Jin Hancheng withdrew his fist abruptly in mid-air, and his steeled head and arms returned to normal, "It was obvious that he provoked me first! I was just defending myself!"

Although he was very dissatisfied, he was still very obedient and put away his abilities.

Little Taotie saw that he was obedient, so he didn't pursue it anymore, and said to Hua Jinyan, "Come in, close the door."

Hua Jinyan bypassed Jin Hancheng and entered the office, and closed the door under Jin Hancheng's unconvinced gaze.

The most abominable thing is that the eyes of this love rival before closing the door are so provocative!

Jin Hancheng kicked his shoes away and growled, "I, Jin Hancheng, will never wear shoes with laces again in my life!!!"

Although the low growls outside tried to suppress their emotions, the voices were also very soft, but Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan inside the door were people with extraordinary senses, and they had already heard Jin Hancheng's "oath".

The corner of Hua Jinyan's mouth twitched: "Your student seems to have a bad mind."

Little Taotie shrugged indifferently: "A person with supernatural powers of strength, it doesn't matter if his brain is good or not, the important thing is to be obedient. As long as he obeys the orders of his superiors, he is an excellent supernatural person."

"It seems that your goal is to cultivate an all-round supernatural force?"

Little Taotie ordered a cup of tea on the table: "Drink tea."

She glanced at Hua Jinyan's lips. She didn't know how long he hadn't drank water, and his lips were a little chapped.

Hua Jinyan moved closer, allowing her to see his lips more intuitively.

"You care about me so much?"

"Don't talk nonsense, drink or not."

Little Taotie wanted to take the cup and drink it himself.

Hua Jinyan reached out to cover the lid of the cup: "It's prepared for me, how can you drink it by yourself."

Little Taotie saw that he drank the water in one go, and couldn't help frowning: "You came to me without taking a sip of water when you came back from the mission?"

The smile on Hua Jinyan's face froze, and a guilty conscience flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that I guessed it right."

Hua Jinyan put down his glass, sat down next to her, and leaned his head on her shoulder: "Since you already know, I won't pretend anymore. I'm sleepy now. Let me sleep for a while."

Little Taotie, who originally wanted to push the heavy head away, silently withdrew his half-stretched hand, looked sideways, and saw that he had closed his eyes, his eyes were blue, and he did not know how long he hadn't slept.

She didn't ask Hua Jinyan what mission he went to perform, and he didn't take the initiative to say, so there was a confidentiality agreement.

She sat quietly, motionless, as a human pillow.

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