Chapter 214

The official website of the talent show was almost paralyzed, and a large number of live viewers who watched Xiao Taotie's performance poured into the website, frantically voting for Yinuo.

Yinuo's number of votes soared rapidly, and he even reached the top and became the first!

Seeing that her sister's name was number one on the list, the salesperson at the chocolate counter wept softly.

A middle-aged woman with plain clothes and meticulously tied hair came over. She looked at the name of her youngest daughter Yinuo, was silent for a long time, and said hoarsely: "If she is still alive, seeing such a number of votes, she should have an impromptu dance. .”

"Mom! Why didn't you stop her back then! She shouldn't be in the entertainment industry!" The salesperson broke down and cried and hugged the middle-aged woman beside her.

The middle-aged woman gently stroked her hair, and said helplessly: "If she was stopped back then, her life would be as if she were dead. Now, she is dead, but it is as if she is alive."


Xiao Taotie's last dance in the performance was edited separately, and it was reposted in the D sound like crazy.

Almost everyone who learns the D sound will learn it, and not once or twice.

Many people began to imitate this dance, and even some great editors began to edit the scene of themselves dancing with Ino.

This dance has no name, and everyone spontaneously named it "Ino".

The Yinuo dance became popular. Kindergarten children will dance in small programs, and some people will dance in company performances...

Viewers who like Yinuo and Xiao Taotie began to look for their previous programs to watch, and the programs were replayed again and again, and the click-through rate soared.

TV ratings reached new heights again and again.

The TV station took advantage of the victory to pursue, and wanted the two parties to cooperate for another episode and broadcast it as soon as possible.

The director of "Looking for a Heroine" directly refused without any tact.

He was unmoved by all the good words from the TV station executives, and in the end he had no choice but to let it go.

On this day, the choreographer made an appointment with a high-achieving student and beautiful woman.

The assistant director handed him the planning documents for the next program, and saw several photos of different beauties on his desk.

The director put it away in a panic and hid it in a drawer.

"Are you guilty of being a thief?" the assistant editor asked.

"Who... who is guilty of a thief!" Realizing that he didn't even have the confidence to speak, the director became angry from embarrassment: "I just want to see the blind date. I'm not murdering and setting fire, so I have a guilty conscience!"

"Blind date?" The deputy director sat down, looking like gossip, "Is your family urging you to get married?"


"Then why are you in such a rush to get married?"

"I'm in a hurry to have a baby, can't I!"

The deputy director became even more gossip: "Do you like children?"

"I didn't like it at first, but after doing this show, I like it."

"Show me those photos, I'll give you the staff."

"Nothing to see!"


The assistant editor-director reached out to open the drawer, and the editor-director held the drawer hard to prevent her from opening it. The two of them tugged and got too close. Suddenly the door was pushed open, and someone came in shouting: "Director, I'll bring you I ordered milk tea, ah, what did I see, my God, you guys go on, I didn’t see anything..."

The photographer ran out the same way, not forgetting to close the door for them.

Assistant editor: "Did he misunderstand something?"

Choreographer: "Get your hands out of my drawer first!"

The deputy director took out his hand from the drawer, and there were four or five photos in his hand.

A photo fell to the ground, and at the same time the phone on the table received a call, and this photo appeared on the display screen. Obviously, the beauty in the photo called.

(End of this chapter)

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