The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 215 The Director's Daughter's Dream Broke

Chapter 215 The Director's Daughter's Dream Broke
The director answered the phone, and a delicate voice came from the other end of the phone: "I originally made an appointment to have dinner tonight, but I have something to do at night, so I can't come."

"It's okay, it's the same if we meet at another time."

"I'm really sorry, I'll treat you to dinner next time we meet."

"This won't work, how can I get the lady to pay."

A bone-crunching laugh came from the other end of the phone: "Then I'll treat you, and you pay the bill."

"Okay, let's meet again next time."

After the director hung up the phone, he met a pair of gossiping eyes beside him.

Because the shooting scene is always noisy, the director's mobile phone has always adjusted the volume to the maximum, so that when the call is connected, the sound will leak out.

The assistant director at the side heard the conversation between the two clearly.

"You have a blind date tonight, where did you make an appointment to have dinner?"

The director touched the table in embarrassment, "Then what...the buffet."

"You are really! How can I say you! The buffet environment is not suitable for a blind date! The first impression is not good!"

"But I eat a lot."

"Control yourself! By the way, the photographer was holding milk tea just now? You asked him to order it for you? Didn't you say you want to lose weight, and you want me to keep an eye on you!"

"I..." The director wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Open all the drawers, I want to search!"

The director wanted to cry this time and shook his head with tears in his eyes.

The assistant editor still took away the only bag of potato chips in his drawer.


When the assistant editor walked out of the editor-director's lounge, she saw that all the staff members were staring at her with strange eyes, sticky, as if revealing an unknown ambiguity!
What do you mean?
Did you really misunderstand yourself and the director?

Although the director is nice, he is too fat, how could he like it!
Patting his face to cool down his flushed face, the assistant director returned to the lounge, packed several snacks, and planned to send them to Xiao Taotie.

Before she could go far away, the editor and director hurried over, and his eyes lit up when he saw the dim sum in her hand, and he approached the transaction and said, "The ticket for the buffet is about to expire today. Yes, but she can't come. Look, do you want to eat?"

"The last day of today?"


"Okay, give it to me, I'll eat tonight."

"Then let's go together!" The director rubbed his hands together, "You give me a drive!"

"For a long time, you just want to take a ride? I didn't mean you, a big director, you can't even drive a car, are you decent?"

The director said straightforwardly: "I don't drive to benefit the whole society! If I drive, I will go out and harm people!"

"If you are too lazy to learn, then you are lazy!"

"Then can I take a ride?"

"Okay, but I'm not going to the restaurant now, I want to find Xiao Taotie and give her all these dim sum."

"These are for little Taotie?"

"I like her very much, she is a typical example of lying to me to have a daughter!"

"You... want to have a daughter like Xiao Taotie?" The director was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the other party had the same "dream" as himself!
"Actually, it's quite difficult. I need to find a handsome boyfriend first, because the beauty of my daughter is determined by the man."


The director's eyes widened in disbelief, suspecting that he had heard it wrong, "You said that the beauty of a daughter is determined by the man?"

"Yes, generally daughters are like fathers and sons are like mothers."

"Then it's impossible for me to have a beautiful daughter in my life. Even if I find a beautiful woman, it's impossible to change?"

"It turns out that you were so anxious to find a beautiful woman on a blind date because you were tricked into giving birth to a daughter!" The assistant director laughed unkindly.

The editor and director said with a dark face: "Congratulations, you still hope to find a handsome guy and give birth to a daughter as good-looking as Little Taotie."

(End of this chapter)

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