The cloak is a supernatural being who awakened supernatural powers in the early days, and he did not awaken supernatural powers this time after the recovery of spiritual energy, so he has 20 years of experience that new supernatural powers do not have. With the blessing of the ninth generation of merit, Xiao Taotie feels that this person can still Lead on the right path.

Not long after, a team from the special department came here to take away a group of people whose abilities were sealed.

The teleportation has also been taken away temporarily, and he needs to make some notes.

Little Taotie asked Teleportation for his home address, found Teleportation's parents, and took them away before the organization found them.

After teleportation finished taking notes, seeing the parents waiting at the door, I didn't know what to say for a while.

He always thought that his parents didn't know what he was doing, but they clearly guessed it, but they never scolded him.

Seeing him feeling sad and blaming himself, the middle-aged man stepped forward and hugged him: "Son, we have always known that you must have difficulties. The money came from a bad way, and my parents never used it. Let's donate it. OK?"

"Okay." Teleportation's eyes were red, and a big man cried out hopelessly: "Dad, I shouldn't have done something wrong..."

"I can't blame you. This young lady told us that you were coerced because you wanted to protect us."


Teleportation left with his parents, and I heard that he joined a non-governmental organization, which specializes in killing mutant spirit beasts that make trouble.

This organization was established by a veteran. He was assigned to the bureau, and was injured in another mission. He resigned not long after. His youngest daughter was once held hostage by criminals. At that time, he chose to compromise and let the criminals go.

The daughter was saved, but then the criminal killed three people on the way to escape, and robbed their money and car, just to escape faster.

In the face of the innocent three people who died, he blamed himself and felt uncomfortable. In addition, he was injured and hurt his foot, which made it difficult to move, so he resigned.

After he established the organization, what he cared most about was the family members of each member, and he was also afraid that if the family members of the members were arrested, the members would have difficulty making choices and cause bigger problems.

This organization is also the best in protecting the relatives of its members in today's non-governmental organizations.


Under Xiao Taotie's arrangement, the cloak was sent to institutions of higher learning. Now many institutions of higher learning have been reformed, no longer just cultural education and job skills training, but several more courses for training supernatural abilities.

With more and more Blue Star vortexes, there are more and more people who awaken their abilities. Most of them are teenagers, that is, the next generation will basically awaken their abilities. It has even appeared that newborn babies are born with With supernatural powers.

This change is not a good thing.

When supernatural beings appear in a large area, it is a self-protection mechanism of Blue Star Heavenly Dao, which means that Blue Star may encounter a major crisis.

High-level officials in various countries attach great importance to the cultivation of supernatural beings.

A year passed quickly, and the superhumans from country H were sent back to country H, and they all made a big leap forward.

Most of them have become educational talents, cultivating more supernatural elites for H country.

A small number entered the army and became young officers.Jin Hancheng and Chen Zhu became the hottest new military officers in H country.

Before parting, Jin Hancheng hesitated to speak, and finally sent a love letter.

This love letter was not written in the H language, but Jin Hancheng wrote it in the Chinese language he had learned. The strokes are quite immature, like the handwriting of a third or fourth grade elementary school student, but his sincerity is in every line.

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