Chapter 2192

Hua Jinyan was sitting opposite the little Taotie, and he clearly saw the love letter in the little Taotie's hand, and even finished reading the love letter with a sneak peek.

Hua Jinyan's face darkened.

Unexpectedly, when he was performing tasks in the "mental hospital", the flowers at home were missed by others!

That kid!Already reminded!How dare you!
Hua Jinyan silently clenched his fists, a storm was brewing in his eyes, as if he was thinking of a hundred tricks on how to "cut off children and grandchildren".

Little Taotie felt that there was something wrong with the breath of the people around him, so he looked away from the love letter and looked at Hua Jinyan suspiciously.

Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes to cover the storm in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised: "It's nothing, I just think this suicide note is very interesting."

Hearing this, the corner of Xiao Taotie's mouth twitched: "Do you need to be so narrow-minded?"

"Is this considered narrow-minded?" Hua Jinyan raised his head suddenly, and his deep eyes, which gathered a dark storm, stared straight at her: "Then there are people who are more careful, do you want to see it?"

Little Taotie stepped back subconsciously.

I always feel that this guy's temperament has changed since he completed the task of "Mental Hospital"!
The whole person reveals a "perverted" temperament!

Could it be that "mental illness" is really contagious?
"Afraid of me?" Hua Jinyan laughed, the corners of his mouth slanting upwards, he stretched out his hand to loosen his tie, exposing his Adam's apple, "I want you to be more afraid of me, what should I do?"

Little Taotie: "..."

She stretched out her hand to cover Hua Jinyan's forehead, and said lazily, "Do you have a fever?"

"I don't have a fever." He suddenly moved closer and put his lips next to her ear, his voice hoarse: "It's a little fussy."


Little Taotie stared in horror.

She stretched out her hand to push Hua Jinyan's handsome face away, and backed away again and again.

Hua Jinyan didn't catch up, but reached out and picked up the love letter on the table.

Little Taotie frowned: "What are you going to do?"

Hua Jinyan took out a lighter from his trousers pocket: "Such a passionate emotion, of course, must be paired with an even hotter flame to be wonderful."

"Don't burn it!" Little Taotie wanted to stop it.

But it was too late, the flame had already ignited the paper, and Hua Jinyan's smile was distorted by the flame, "This kind of dirty thing has already dirty your eyes, how can it dirty your drawer, It’s better to clean it with a fire.”

Little Taotie sighed: "What's the matter with you? You've been crazy since you came back."

"It's okay, I just think it's interesting to live like this."

Little Taotie: "..."

"Those people who awakened their supernatural powers 20 years ago were locked up as mentally ill. Most of the supernatural powers in our country are not newly awakened, but more come from mental hospitals."

Hearing this, Little Taotie's expression became serious.

The atmosphere in the room became silent.

Hua Jinyan lowered his eyes: "If I hadn't met you, maybe I would be a mental patient too?"

The corner of Xiao Taotie's mouth twitched: "Before you met me, you were already sent to the temple."

Hua Jinyan sighed: "Then maybe he becomes a monk."

Little Taotie is like what Brother Gentleman said in his last life, Hua Jinyan has indeed become a monk and became a monk.

Now that she let this eminent monk...into the world of mortals, she doesn't know if that counts as stealing someone from the Buddha.

"What are you laughing at?" Hua Jinyan noticed that the corners of her mouth were raised, and there was a smile in her eyes.

Little Taotie shrugged: "I'm a little proud."

(End of this chapter)

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