Darkness enveloped the entire city. Starting from the tallest building in the center, it was like a drop of ink on rice paper, gradually blurring. In an instant, a city was reduced to ruins, and all living things were turned into undead.

A city has become a ghost town.

One after another, some people lost contact with their relatives, and countless cases of missing persons were reported.

After verification, they all lead to the same city.

Inside the castle, Little Taotie came to Shen Cang's office.

Shen Cang handed Xiao Taotie a document wrapped in kraft paper, and the black and gold seal on it indicated its important level.

It is black gold level.

The most confidential and the most serious confidential documents.

Little Taotie put away the smile on her face, and became serious and serious. She opened the file carefully, and when she saw the words that caught her eye, she took a tight breath.

"A city... overnight..." Little Taotie stared at Shen Cang with wide eyes.

Shen Cang nodded heavily.

Getting an affirmative answer from Grandpa, Little Taotie gasped.

She originally thought that she could calmly deal with any upcoming events, but when the cruel incident came before her eyes, she realized that she might still be too young to accept the truth.

"How many people know?"

Shen Cang sighed: "The news has been blocked, but it can't be blocked for long. Those who went to this city on business trips also had accidents, and their families will have troubles sooner or later."

"Show me these, what is the mission?"

"You go there yourself."

Little Taotie nodded: "I'm leaving now."

"Be careful."


Little Taotie went alone, driving the car, a little restless.

After a day and night of driving, she finally came to this "dead" city.

She smelled blood and decay in the air, the smell of rotting corpses.

According to the news in the secret document, not even the rats and cockroaches were spared overnight.

Today is only about three days away.

But the corpse smell in this city seems to have passed for several months.

Golden glows appeared all over Little Taotie's body, and under the blessing of the golden glows, her body gradually turned to metal. She put on a pair of special gloves, and her eyes became deep and dignified.

When she took the first step into the city, she seemed to have entered another illusion.

In front of his eyes is the overwhelming bloody evil spirit, which is nothing more than coming to purgatory.

Countless Ah Piao's deaths were miserable, and their spirit bodies doubled the misery, appearing ferocious and terrifying.

"The smell of the living."

Jie Jie Jie laughed.

Little Taotie looked up, all the houses and buildings became smaller, a blood-red, overwhelming Ah Piao opened his mouth wide, and the powerful suction was drawn towards Little Taotie.

Little Taotie's foot took a step, deeply embedded in the ground.

Countless Ah Piao were sucked into his mouth.

He chewed it a few times, seemed dissatisfied with the taste of these spirit bodies, took a mouthful, and spit out the remaining apiao.

"Interesting living person." He narrowed his only pupil.

This is a red blood-pupil eye. He was born with only one eye. It grows on the bridge of the nose, which looks weird and ugly.

"Undead from another world?" Little Taotie felt the difference in his breath.

She has been dealing with A Piao for too long, and she has also been to the reincarnation palace and the underworld, and knows many ghost messengers, so she knows that the aura of A Piao in this world is still different from that of A Piao in another world.

What she didn't expect was that the people who invaded Blue Star from the vortex had changed from beasts from other worlds to undead from other worlds.

Undead are much more difficult to deal with than aliens.

"It's my turn to attack." Little Taotie leaped into the air, she looked so small in front of the huge undead.

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