Little Taotie's fists fell on the undead from another world like a torrential rain. The undead from another world did not show any pain, but narrowed its eyes as if enjoying it.

Little Taotie's face became more serious.

She has dealt with even the ghost emperor before, and it is not that difficult to deal with.

In other words, this undead from another world is equivalent to the level above the ghost emperor in this world.

"Shu Tan, try harder, it's like scratching an itch, haven't you eaten yet?"

The undead sighed, as if deliberately provoking the little Taotie.

Compared with spirit bodies, undead from other worlds prefer to devour various human emotions, among which anger is the most delicious and addictive, just like human's desire for chili food.

Little Taotie's punch seemed to be hitting cotton, obviously he used ten percent of his strength, but he still felt powerless.

Gradually, Xiao Taotie also realized that such an attack might be useless against the undead from another world, or, as the undead said, it was just scratching its itch.

Little Taotie turned around and returned to the original spot.

The position she is standing in now is ingenious, one step back is outside the city.

The undead from another world laughed strangely: "Little flea, aren't you making a fuss?"

Little Taotie didn't expect him to be so rampant, and she was angry in her heart, but she hid her emotions well.

The undead from another world laughed even louder: "The living are indeed the most hypocritical. How can we be as real as the undead! You are obviously very angry, but you pretend to be indifferent! The anger on your body has already spilled out! !"

The undead from another world took a deep breath, as if smoking.

His expression also became relaxed and comfortable.

"Good taste, very pure!"

The ghost from the other world grinned, his teeth were messed up, even if they were not neat, they also had a strange green light.

It seems that its saliva is green slime.

Little Taotie's face darkened even more.

She didn't notice it at first, but now she can clearly see that the red thing on her body is inhaled into her nostrils as the undead breathe.

"What are you smoking?"

Could it be that it has something to do with the ghosts in the mountains absorbing people's energy?
Little Taotie moved back, ready to leave at any time.

The undead from the other world was beyond her knowledge, and she had no way to deal with him for a while, and she clearly felt that after absorbing those red things, the aura of the undead from the other world became stronger.

"Want to run?" The alien ghost laughed strangely: "You have already entered my domain, do you think the way out you see is the way out?"

The alien soul flicked his fingers lightly.

With the flick of a finger, the scene in front of Xiao Taotie's eyes changed.

She looked back, and the exit she thought was actually a hundred meters away from her.

What she thought was just one step away, was actually tampered with by the undead from another world.

Little Taotie took a deep breath, now that he had no chance to retreat, it seemed that he could only fight to the death!
She took out a thick stack of talismans from her bosom.

When the master was around, she didn't like to draw talismans, but after the master left, her paintings were not as good as Hua Jinyan's, and the paintings were not big enough, but every time she drew talismans, she missed her master, and she could only use this to express her thoughts worry.

Unknowingly, she also became proficient at drawing symbols.

"Go!" Little Taotie threw out all the stacks of talismans.

The yellow talisman papers spread out in the air, and seemed to be manipulated by someone. They stood up one by one in the air, forming an encircling circle that surrounded the heads of the undead from other worlds.

Although the undead from another world is extremely huge, the head is not bad, the size of a building, tens of thousands of talismans circled around its head continuously, leaving afterimages.

It's like drawing a yellow halo on its head.

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