Chapter 2204 Civil strife has already begun
"Father, there is no cure for Blue Star, we are just buried in Blue Star!"

"Yes! Grandpa, this is the catastrophe of Blue Star, just like in the Jurassic period, everything will be destroyed. If we want to survive, we have to find another way of life!"

"Father, why are you still hesitating, as long as you hand over the list of personnel in your hand to the senior management of country M, our whole family can have a seat on Noah's Ark!"

"Grandpa, don't think about it, what is more important than living?"

Surrounded by his sons and grandsons, the old man is a senior leader of country H. He has the awakening ability of country H in his hands, and he has a list of the group of elite superpowers who were sent to Hua country for training.

Country M sent him an invitation. As long as he handed over the list, he and his family could board Noah's Ark and leave the blue star that was on the verge of collapse.

According to the latest information from country M, several vortexes come from the same alien world, and they seem to be gathering a large number of soldiers and horses, preparing to attack Blue Star in one fell swoop, and then everyone on Blue Star will become captives.

These "aliens" are cruel, and no one knows what they will do to the captives, but experiments are definitely indispensable.

The old man felt that this was just a scam by country M. Even if there was a little rumor, it would not be so alarmist. The purpose was just to make him a traitor who betrayed the country.

He would never do such a thing.

Besides...the elite among those supernatural beings is the future of the country and the future of Blue Star.

Maybe, they can defend Blue Star.

Country M's approach is called asylum if you put it nicely, but it's the behavior of deserters if you put it badly.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope for Blue Star, as a citizen of Blue Star, you should stay in Blue Star and defend until the end!
"Grandpa, what exactly do you need to come up with the list?"

"Father, you don't want us to die either?"

The old man shook off the father and son who were holding his arms on the left and the right, with a stern expression: "Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, don't say they are my descendants when you go out! You are not worthy!"



The old man ignored the two of them and went upstairs by himself.

The father and son looked at each other, with a hint of ruthlessness and determination flashing in their eyes.

"If that's the case, you can't blame me!"

"Grandpa, if you want to die, don't drag us!"

The two rushed forward, under the disbelieving gaze of the old man, one stabbed the old man in the heart with a dagger, and the other jumped up and strangled the old man's neck from behind.

Just at the very moment, the two broke into the door, one came to the old man at a very fast speed and kicked the dagger, the other gave the old man's grandson a slap on the back of the neck, the hand that strangled the old man's neck was released, and the old man also saved.

There was fear in the old man's eyes, but it was more of a kind of sadness.

The real apocalypse has not yet come, and the enemy has not yet broken through the vortex barrier, but the civil strife in Blue Star has already begun.

In his eyes, there is disappointment with his descendants, and more confusion about the future.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Jin pursed his lips, somehow comforting the leader who was almost killed by his son and grandson.

"No problem."

The old man glanced at the father and son, his eyes became indifferent, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't think about me, just treat them as you want to him."

Such a scene happened all over the world.

Some people were soft-hearted and hard-pressed by future generations, and finally compromised, betrayed the country, and betrayed their personality.

Some people resolutely refused, and were finally killed by the cooperation of future generations.

There are also some people who were saved by the supernatural beings, but this is only... a minority.

More... endings, not good...

A large number of superpower elite lists have been leaked...

The extermination plan against these elites has also begun.

(End of this chapter)

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