Chapter 2205 is a conservative estimate

The elites of supernatural beings from various countries were assassinated. Huaguo organized a group of people to stop it, but because they did not have a list of elites from various countries, and they did not know who would be the next target of the assassins, every Every time the best rescue time will be missed.

There were even cases of playing tricks on them, those assassins would release false news, and when the rescuers arrived, another person with supernatural abilities was assassinated in another place.

"It's Country M!"

"I strongly recommend that the high-level officials of country M be arrested!"

"They should be crusaded!"

This is a denunciation from the meeting of the National League of State Y, and all countries intend to deal with country M.

"We have no proof."

"There was no evidence to arrest anyone."

"Those victims, those arrested, these are all witnesses!"

"Country M can completely say that this is a frame-up."

"Regardless of whether this is a frame-up or not, bring them to the alliance first, even if you ask them to sit down..."

"Sit down? Such a moth, and a seat? There is no seat for them here!"

"Calm down, you don't look like the leaders of various countries, but middle-aged women fighting on the street."

"Calm down? They built Noah's Ark, causing panic among people, and now they are assassinating the elites of supernatural beings from all over the world. What are they planning!"

"Could it be that before leaving Blue Star, they want to destroy all of Blue Star's last hopes? They don't live in Blue Star themselves, and why don't they let others live?"

"If it's really just this kind of selfish thought that led them to make such a decision, that's all. I'm afraid..."

"Don't hesitate, just speak up!"

"If I say it, maybe someone will slander me as a rumor. I can't talk nonsense."

"Now that the planet is about to be destroyed, do you still care about talking nonsense?"

"Say, say what you have to say."

"Country M directly gave up any hope for Blue Star, which is very weird. Don't forget, they were still recruiting supernatural beings before, and they wanted to copy the savior in the movie."

"This is... everything was too sudden. The act of creating Noah's Ark, you can say that they wanted some children to leave Blue Star for the sake of future hope, but in the end they gave out seats, but there were not many of them. kids, and even mostly old guys."

"Is there a possibility, of course, it's just my hypothesis..."

"You said."

"Yeah, just say what you have to say, everyone has to say what you want to say, the content of the meeting will not be known to the outside world."

"Suppose...the spacecraft they launch discovers a new continent, which is suitable for life, but at the same time, they find that there are aboriginal people there, and those aborigines are probably attacking a...newly discovered planet, maybe Blue Star."

"You mean, in order to obtain the right of residence, they chose to surrender to the aliens, and then obeyed the orders of the aliens to consume the combat power of the blue star from the inside. When the elites and hopes of the blue star were all gone, they finally gave Blue Star's fatal blow! Those who surrendered to aliens will become meritorious officials, and those of us will become captives and let them be fish and meat?"

"Not what I mean, I want to declare, just my assumption, everything is not necessarily true."

Since the beginning of the meeting, Hua Guo's representatives have been very quiet, but at this moment they suddenly spoke: "This assumption has a 99% chance of being the truth."

"Ah... this!"

"Representative Hua, is the probability too high?"

"Representative Hua Guo please be careful, 99% is almost no different from real hammer."

The representative of Huaguo said with a serious face: "Everyone here knows better than me that 99% is a conservative estimate."

(End of this chapter)

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