Chapter 232

"Father! You have to save me! I was wronged!"

Due to the fact that someone was staring at her, Luo Lili could only emphasize time and time again that she was wronged, but the meaning in her eyes was to ask her father to clear her of the crime and find someone to replace her.

Father Luo naturally understood the meaning in his daughter's eyes, but too many people were staring at this case.

Cheng Guodong, the local tyrant who specializes in special offerings, joined in.

And the Tao family also made a move.

And - the Hua family!
How could he possibly fish out this daughter? If he was not careful, let alone fished out her daughter, maybe he would get in himself!

My daughter is considered to be instigating the murder, and now I can only fight for a lighter sentence.

The crime of abetting refers to instilling one's own criminal intent into a person who has no criminal intent by means of persuasion, inducement, instruction, instigation, bribery, threats, etc., so that he commits a crime according to the criminal intent of the instigator. Instigate a crime.

Anyone who instigates a person under the age of 18 to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment.

The daughter gave a male classmate money and told him to take the medicine and prescribe the gas.

Fortunately, my daughter is still young this year.

If the person who is instigated does not commit the crime of instigation, the abettor may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment.

Whoever commits homicide intentionally shall be sentenced to death, life imprisonment, or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years; if the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years.

"Father will strive for a sentence of ten years!" Father Luo held his daughter's hand, trying to comfort her, "Don't worry, there will be no death penalty."

But Luo Lili shook off Father Luo's hand, stared at him fiercely, and roared: "Ten years! I didn't kill anyone, so what does it have to do with me? If you don't return my innocence, you still want me to be imprisoned for ten years? Ten years later, what can I do after I come out? I’m almost thirty, can I still be a star, an idol! I don’t want to go to jail, just return my innocence!”

Father Luo's face turned cold, he was not polite, and said in a deep voice, "I can also do nothing and wait for your sentence of life imprisonment."

The furious Luo Lili became dumb, and her eyes full of anger were extinguished, and instantly dimmed, like a puppet without a soul.

Father Luo couldn't bear it again, and sighed: "You are still young, only ten years, and it will pass soon, and you will not be under thirty when you come out. This is the only thing Dad can do."

Luo Lili gave a soft "hmm".

"Then dad is gone."

Suddenly, Luo Lili called to Father Luo who was about to leave, and lowered her voice, "That child."

He hesitated to speak, but the resentment in his eyes was too strong, Father Luo already understood what she meant.

She hated the person who caused her to expose her anger on stage and wanted revenge.

Father Luo lowered his eyes, but did not immediately agree.

Luo Lili's eyes were filled with tears, she couldn't help but said, "Father! You can't save me, can't you even fulfill this wish?"

Father Luo finally nodded slightly.

Luo Lili laughed through her tears: "Thank you, Dad."

As soon as Luo's father left, news reached Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin, and the conversation between the father and daughter was sent verbatim.

Cheng Guodong frowned as he watched the last conversation between the father and daughter.

—that child.

--dad!You can't save me, can't you even grant this wish?

——Thank you, Dad.

Together, it is not difficult to guess the deep meaning.

Luo Lili seeks her father to avenge her. This is her wish. Father Luo agreed, so she is grateful.

Cheng Guodong kneaded the paper in his hand and lowered his eyes, "Luo, let's go bankrupt."

Originally, Cheng Guodong didn't want to implicate the innocent. After all, the Qing Dynasty was dead, and it was no longer popular to "copy and execute all families".

But some people, even if they want to die, they can't help but be satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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