Chapter 233 Need to Repair Primordial Spirit

Wan Lai was silent, Little Taotie fell asleep hugging the plush bear wearing a new pink dress.

In the dream, she saw the little white beast lying in an ice coffin made of ice, quietly closing its eyes.

There is a huge phantom above the ice coffin, which is the appearance of a small white beast turned into a huge beast. Its body is full of totem blessing power, and those eyes seem to contain the power of the universe galaxy, which makes people dare not look at each other and is daunting.

Numerous things similar to starlight and fireflies flew up Phantom's claws, making Phantom's claws solidify.

God of War stretched out his hand to touch the ice, as if he was carefully touching the little white beast.

"When your primordial spirit recovers well, you will wake up." God of War took off his helmet, Tao Ti wanted to see his face clearly, but because of the ice fog here covered his eyes, he couldn't see clearly at all .

She could only vaguely see the god of war kissing the ice coffin and bringing back the helmet.

The horn of war sounded, and the God of War took a deep look at the ice coffin, "I will avenge you."

Tao Ti saw that it was snowing suddenly in the sky, and the snow covered the ice coffin, so he couldn't see the little white beast in the ice coffin clearly. Except for the claws, the huge phantom seemed to be blurred more and more.

She didn't know how long it had been, all she knew was that the snow stopped and fell again, for a long, long time, several rounds of snow came and went.

There was a mournful cry in the air, and a death knell that shook the sky.

There was a cry in my ear.

All things mourn, all things weep.

She ran towards the direction of the death knell, but she couldn't run out of the ice and snow. There was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of her eyes. Maybe she stared at the whiteness for too long. She couldn't see clearly, and she was tripped by something. On the ground, unable to stand up for a long time.

Great sadness enveloped her, even though she knew clearly in her consciousness that this was a dream, she was still so sad, a small person lying on the snow and weeping, like a helpless little animal crying.

"Get up." Someone picked her up.

Tao Ti was dazzled by crying, reached out to touch, and found a mask.

"Horse Face King?"

"Not too stupid."

"This is my dream, why are you here?"

"Your horse face bell is ringing, even if it is your dream, I can appear here."

"I didn't ring the bell or call your name."

Touching the horse face mask, he said awkwardly: "I don't have a good memory, I forgot to tell you that when you are in danger, the horse face bell will ring by itself when you are in critical condition, maybe you are too sad, it mistakenly thinks you are At a critical juncture."

Tao Ti tilted her head to look at this unreliable person.

Although she couldn't see the person in front of her clearly, the three characters 'unreliable' were written in her eyes.

First, I forgot to tell the name.

Appeared again and left in a hurry.

Then he forgot to take away the old man, Ah Piao, and he appeared again and took him away.

It seems that the few times we meet, he always forgets things carelessly.

Facing the little girl's eyes filled with suspicion and 'unreliable', the horse-faced man said awkwardly: "Small omissions that don't affect the overall situation, don't worry about them."

Tao Ti is not an embarrassing child, she didn't continue to look at him, but looked in the direction of the little white beast, the huge phantom seemed to be more transparent.

"Is this your real body?" The horse-faced man followed her direction and asked.

Tao Ti nodded.

"It's quite cute." The horse-faced man chuckled: "If you want to wake up the main body, you need to restore the primordial spirit. Your primordial spirit phantom is too transparent, and it takes a lot of effort to repair it."

"Repair? Can you make it more solid?" Tao Ti tilted her head and asked.

The horse-faced man rubbed her head, and replied: "The power of merit and faith can solidify the primordial spirit."

"Are those light spots like starlight the power of merit and faith?"


(End of this chapter)

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