Chapter 258 Miserable and miserable
The handsome internet celebrity rubbed his hands together and became excited.

He has been able to accumulate 200 million fans so far, all because of PK to attract fans.

Now the kids who are Internet celebrities have a lot of fans, so I don’t know how many fans the kid opposite has, so I can attract some of them.

The handsome internet celebrity clicked on Xiao Taotie's profile picture, only to find that the other party only had 10 followers. He was a little disappointed.

He didn't know at all that Xiao Taotie's account was opened by random clicking yesterday, and it gained 10 followers in one night.

"Little cub, my brother is strong, let's compete to crush the cans!"

The handsome internet celebrity took a can from under the table, put it in his palm, and patted the can with his other hand, keeping his palms together, and when they were separated again, the can was already flat.

"Am I powerful?" He was triumphant, waiting for the little cub's rainbow fart.

Little Taotie: "..."

【Killing me! 】

[I thought this internet celebrity was better than anything, hahaha, isn't this my cub's strong point? 】

[It's worse than anything, but I chose this one, this internet celebrity is out of luck! 】

[Little handsome guy, you should inquire about my cub's name outside! 】

[Upstairs, Zai Zai, what other titles do I not know? 】

[Hey hey, King Kong Barbie! 】

[Puff!King Kong Little Gluttony! 】

[No, no, no, Zai Zai must always be soft and cute, I don't want to see Zai Zai grow up with a fat face like a baby, but his body is full of tendons!horrible! 】

[Cover your eyes!Upstairs, stop your horrible imaginations! 】

"Little cub, am I powerful?" The handsome host was very persistent, wanting to hear the cute praise from the little cub.

Little Taotie tilted his head and asked, "Is this considered powerful?"

"Of course, I have practiced this trick for a long time!"

Little Taotie searched around the room and found a spoon for eating strawberry shortcake. The iron spoon looked very hard.

Little Taotie took the spoon and came to the phone, and brought the spoon close to the camera of the phone.

The handsome host didn't understand what the little cub was doing in this confusing behavior, and asked doubtfully, "What are you going to do?"

Little Taotie smiled shyly, the dimples of the pears were shallow, and the spoon was gently bent with his white and tender hands!

The handsome host was stunned, his mouth seemed to be able to stuff an egg into it.

[The little glutton is mighty! 】

[Zai Zai is amazing! 】

[Swipe gifts, sisters, don't stop! 】

A burst of crazy sports cars drive by!
A frantic yacht sails by!

The castles set off fireworks!

A romantic meteor shower started!
Little Taotie's blood bar rushed forward, directly smashing the opponent's blue blood bar to pieces!
The handsome host has never been hit so hard, and the blood bar has no room for reversal!

The most frightening thing is that his blood score is still the highest score in history, which means that the opponent will crush his highest score and crush him, and he will be completely dead and can't die anymore!
" is it possible! I have 200 million followers! You only have 10 followers!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Sister No. [-], Brother No. [-], Brother No. [-], kill me! Kill me! Go!"

The handsome anchor shouted loudly: "Kill! She must be cheating! There must be something wrong with the spoon, help me knock out her health bar! Please!"

Elder sister on the list: 【Sorry, I'm a fan of the other party. 】

The second eldest brother: [Sorry, I am the other party's father fan. 】

The third brother on the list: 【Sorry, I'm the other party's grandpa fan. 】

Rank four, rank five, rank six... [Sorry, I have moved to the other party's live broadcast room, bye bye! 】

The handsome guy anchor was miserable, and shed two lines of tears.

— Retribution!How many fans I sucked from others back then, all of them were sucked away by the cubs today!
(End of this chapter)

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