The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 259 It Takes Hundreds of Millions of Strength

Chapter 259 It Takes Hundreds of Millions of Strength

"Are you cheating!" The handsome host couldn't hold back anymore, and cried out, pointing at Little Taotie with one hand, and frantically wiping tears with the other.

Little Taotie tilted his head, somewhat wondering why he was crying.

——Did I frighten him to tears with too much strength?

"Don't cry, I just used a little bit of strength."

"What is a little bit, it's a billion bit!" The handsome anchor lifted the can and said angrily, "No, you can only use a can. I suspect that your spoon is made of special material and cannot be counted!"

【shameless!cheeky! 】

[If you lose, you're still cheating!Bully little kids! 】

[If there are rotten eggs, I really want to smash him to death with rotten eggs! 】

[Other platforms seem to have the operation of smashing the rotten eggs of the annoying anchors, but this operation is very idiotic, okay, rotten eggs are also money, and the final share still falls into the pockets of the annoying anchors! 】

[An adult can't afford to play, and if you lose, you lose. If you insist on accusing others of cheating, this kind of person is the most despised! 】

[It looks like a weak chicken, crying at every turn! 】

【In the future, give him the nickname Weeping Bag, shall we? 】

[I was the number one on the list across the other side, and now I regret sitting on the top of his family's list. 】

[Upstairs, do you want to take the number one spot on my family's list? 】

[Don't dare, just took a look, and the gifts on the list are more than three times the total I have played so far!If you can't fight, you can't sit on the throne! 】

While the fans were swiping the screen, Xiao Taotie ran out wearing slippers and left her phone on the bed alone. When she came back, she had an extra soda can in her hand.

[It's a can of soda water. Will the other party make trouble, saying it's different from his, and it won't count in the end, right? 】

【Pamper him!Little Taotie is a nice person, and he actually went to find a can. 】

[That's right, I'm used to him!Anyway, Xiao Taotie has already won, so there is no need to pay attention to his unreasonable troubles! 】

[Look, Zai Zai is about to exert strength! 】

Xiao Taotie imitated the appearance of the handsome guy anchor, put the can in the palm of his hand, looked at Xiao with his white and tender fleshy hands, when he opened it, he put the can in his palm to hold it firmly.

"Looking good!" Little Taotie smiled shyly, and the little pear dimpled slightly.

Her other little hand was raised high, and suddenly she pressed it down, only to hear a "pop".

When she opened her palm, a flat, incredibly thin soda can lay in her palm.

"It's done!" Little Taotie looked at the handsome host, with sparkling eyes, and asked, "Am I good?"

[Is this a bit familiar? 】

【Didn't that man just keep asking Little Taotie if he was powerful? 】

[Yo!Zai Zai, is this asking back? 】

【When you come out to hang out, you always have to pay it back, hahaha...】

【Cool, cool!Look at his constipated face! 】

Just when the live viewers looked at the face of the handsome host, the screen went black, and then there was only Xiao Taotie's magnified face in the live broadcast room.

Little Taotie blinked blankly, and asked, "Where's brother Jimaotou?"

[Puff!Killing me! 】

[Not to mention, the description is very appropriate! 】

[I have long noticed that man's colorful hair is not pleasing to the eye, it really looks like a chicken feather! 】

【Cub, he escaped! 】

[I can't beat you, so I ran away! 】

【Hahaha, ran away without even saying goodbye. 】

Xiao Taotie scratched his head, still a little confused, and said seriously to the people in the live broadcast room: "I don't understand some words, I'm sorry."

[Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what's wrong with Xiao Zai Zai! 】

[That is, it is our honor to watch the live broadcast of Little Taotie! 】

Little Taotie's milky voice promised: "I'm going to elementary school soon, I will know a lot of characters, I will study hard, and I will be able to understand your characters in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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