Chapter 260

[Aww!Cubs are too cute! 】

【Little baby must be a good boy!good student! 】

[Come on, little glutton! 】

[Seek Lianmai! 】

[Lian Mai Lian Mai Lian Mai! 】

"Sister, are you awake? Teacher Ma is here!" Qin Xin's voice came from outside the door.

"Come on, come right away!"

Little Taotie waved at the screen with a milky voice: "Goodbye!"

【Ah, baby, don't go! 】

[Cubs! 】

【what?She is okay? 】

[Zai Zai forgot to turn off the live broadcast? 】

[The black in front of my eyes is not black, but Zai Zai's pocket? 】

"Mr. Ma, good morning!"

"Good morning, has little Taotie had breakfast?"

"not yet."

"Look, what I brought you."

"Wow! Why are strawberries so big? Bigger than my hand!"

[This male voice is very high-quality! 】

【Slobber!I want to see strawberries bigger than my hand! 】

[Has the live broadcast been turned off today? 】

[Although I can't see Xiao Taotie, I'm already very satisfied to hear her voice! 】

"Your entrance exams have been successfully passed, but you can't waste time."

Little Taotie had a babyish voice, and said somewhat dependently: "When we get to school, can you still give us lessons?"

Ma Ming pressed down the stupid hair on her head, and laughed: "The school you are taking is not my school, so I may not be able to teach you."

"I like that you give me lessons." Little Taotie pressed his small head against his palm.

"I'll still give you lessons, every Saturday."

"Great!" Little Taotie jumped up on the spot.

"However, what I teach you will be more special."

"Special?" Little Taotie tilted his head, his big eyes were full of curiosity.


"What is metaphysics?"

"Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all wonders."

Little Taotie shook his head, his eyes were ignorant: "I don't understand."

"You will understand later, you need to learn slowly."

"Okay! I will study hard!" Little Taotie's eyes were shining brightly, and it was at the time when the little cub was very interested and enthusiastic about learning.

【What did I hear? 】

[Mysterious and mysterious, the door of all wonders? 】

【Why does Little Taotie want to learn metaphysics? 】

[I heard that she learned martial arts in Shaolin Temple, that's why she has such great strength! 】

【Is she capable of internal strength? 】

[There is such a thing as internal force in this world? 】

[Otherwise how to explain her behavior, she can bend a spoon with bare hands at a young age! 】

【She should be good at kung fu, this is definitely not wrong! 】

[In video No. 3, did she really penetrate the boat? 】


PR No. 1 hurriedly dialed Cheng Guodong, who was dealing with a batch of new varieties of strawberries and had no time to answer the phone.

PR No. 1 did not give up, calling again and again.

Finally, the phone was connected.

"Hey! Boss, something happened, something happened!"

"Hello, I'm Assistant Wang, and Mr. Cheng is busy."

"Assistant Wang, it's the same with you. Go home and check on Xiao Taotie. Her mobile phone is always on in the live broadcast room!"

"What?" Assistant Wang was very surprised: "How can she open a live broadcast room?"

"I don't know the specific situation, you go and see!"

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

Cheng Guodong was a little puzzled when he saw Assistant Wang leaving with his bag in his hand, but the person opposite him was from the military region, who was talking about business, and he couldn't spare a moment, so he could only ignore him.

Assistant Wang drove to the villa. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he saw Ma Ming was about to leave, and Qin Xin was in charge of seeing off the guests.

Qin Xin and Ma Ming looked at the sweaty Assistant Wang, and before they could ask, Assistant Wang rushed in like a gust of wind, shouting while running, "Little Taotie! You've been streaming live, turn it off quickly! "

(End of this chapter)

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