Chapter 261

Just as she was quietly taking out her phone and wanted to introduce her "Little Lion" to fans, Little Taotie was startled by Assistant Wang's voice, and the phone in her hand fell to the ground with a "slap".

The display screen shattered on the spot!
Little Taotie: "..."

Assistant Wang who came over to pay money on the phone: "..."

Little Taotie raised his head, his beautiful big eyes were already faintly glistening with tears, his small mouth was slightly pursed, as if he was going to cry in the next second.

Qin Xin ran over quickly, picked up the mobile phone on the ground, and tore off the protective screen on the display screen. The mobile phone was intact, and he returned the mobile phone to Xiao Taotie.

Little Taotie stared blankly at the phone in his hand.

The display is good again?

Little Taotie looked over and over with his mobile phone, the tears in his eyes disappeared, his little mouth relaxed, his little dimples were shallow, and his big eyes were full of curiosity.

Assistant Wang wiped off his cold sweat: Terrible!If I make Cheng Dong's baby sister cry, I should pack up and leave!

Assistant Wang knelt down and explained cautiously: "Little Taotie, I didn't mean to scare you, it's because you're on the trending list, your cell phone is on the live broadcast, and you can't keep up with metaphysics, and everyone in the whole country knows about it! "

Ma Ming: "..."

Qin Xin: "..."

The two looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Ma Ming coughed dryly: "Is it a shame to learn metaphysics? I didn't hide it at all!"

Little Taotie turned on the screen, and found that a meteor shower was falling on the screen of the phone, and castles appeared one after another. She tilted her head, her face flushed instantly, and said in a milky voice, "I obviously turned it off..."

Qin Xin leaned over, saw the "grand event" on her sister's phone, smiled and took out her phone, turned on the D sound, found her sister's live broadcast room, first swiped 100 carnivals, and then swiped 100 castles...

The No. [-] rich lady on the list trembled in her heart: [My throne is not guaranteed! 】

The second eldest brother on the list is bitter: [I was knocked out!Upstairs, take care! 】

After taking the second place, Qin Xin stopped and passed the connection to Cheng Guodong.

Cheng Guodong had just sent people away, and was about to call to ask Assistant Wang, when he saw the link sent by his second brother, clicked in, and saw the enlarged face of his sister, with wet long eyelashes, as if he had just cried, but his eyes were not. It's red, but it doesn't look like it's been crying.

"Live broadcast room?" Cheng Guodong was a little taken aback, not understanding why he saw his sister's face in the live broadcast room.

Qin Xin's cell phone rang, and Cheng Guodong's voice came from the other end of the phone: "What's the matter?"

"My sister opened a live broadcast room by herself, and I have won the second place on the list. You can grab the first place yourself."

"How can my sister open a live broadcast room?"

"It should be inspired by the Internet celebrity she met in the safari park yesterday, and she clicked it out by herself. She learns mobile phones very quickly, and she is a bit talented."

Cheng Guodong remembered that he met an Internet celebrity yesterday, and his sister seemed very interested in being able to broadcast live without a cameraman.

Cheng Guodong helped his forehead: "I guess Assistant Wang is at home."

Qin Xin glanced at Assistant Wang who was coaxing Little Taotie to turn off the live broadcast room, and smiled: "Yes, I'm trying to persuade my sister to turn off the live broadcast room."

"What did my sister say?" Cheng Guodong asked.

Qin Xin looked at Xiao Taotie, who was turning his back again, with his back facing Assistant Wang indifferently, and chuckled softly, "Hello him with your back."

Cheng Guodong helped his forehead: "Sister likes live broadcast so much?"

"I should like it, and she is gaining fans very fast. It seems that the live broadcast room opened last night has 210 million fans now."

Cheng Guodong was surprised: "So many?"

(End of this chapter)

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