Chapter 262 The Angel Kissed Voice
After Cheng Guodong hung up his mobile phone, he hurriedly entered the live broadcast room to swipe presents frantically, finally securing the first place.

The local tyrant who fell from the first list to the third list: [Heartbroken! 】

In the live broadcast room, Little Taotie avoided the naughty Assistant Wang and came to the "Little Lion".

Little Taotie waved to the camera, his eyes sparkled, and the little milk voice was cute: "Look, this is my little lion!"

The kitten rolled on the ground and turned over, revealing its white and soft belly.

Little Taotie patted the little lion, and said in a childish voice, "The little lion was full just now, and now he is sleepy!"

The kitten opened its mouth and yawned, tilted its head in doubt, and looked at the little master with wet round eyes with dilated pupils. It didn't understand why the little master pointed a small black box at itself.

"Little lion, it's time to perform!" Little Taotie patted its little head, "Here's your fur ball!"

A small pink fur ball was stuffed into the cat's paw. The eyes of the kitten, who was already about to sleep, lit up. Holding the fur ball, he gnawed and scratched for a while, and finally found the thread. He fought against the fur ball crazily .

In the end, the furball was scattered, but the thread entangled it and turned into a kitty furball!

Little Taotie sighed, and said in an old-fashioned baby voice, "You have to play with the ball on your head like a sea lion baby! It's not that you broke the ball!"

Little Taotie untied the little cat, patted its head, and said helplessly, "You'd better sleep, you can't be as powerful as a baby sea lion!"

The kitten rubbed its head against the palm of the little master, and looked at the little master with big round eyes, as if saying: I am cuter!

The little Taotie giggled amused by its coquettish appearance, picked up the kitten and shook it, as if coaxing the little baby, "Little lion, go to sleep, I will sing you a lullaby..."

Xiao Naiyin hummed a lullaby, and her soft voice came into the live broadcast room.

[This picture is so beautiful!Cute babies and kittens, is there anything more healing than this? 】

[My soul seems to be washed by the little milk sound! 】

[Is this the sound of being kissed by an angel?listen well! 】

[Little Taotie is not only an actor, he may also be a singer, I feel very talented! 】

[I still have Little Nezha Dance in my phone, Little Taotie can also be a dancer! 】

【Actually, I think Little Taotie can be an all-around superstar!Now that she is still young, the future is infinite! 】

PR No. 1 has dialed Cheng Guodong's cell phone and said eagerly, "Boss, have you watched the live broadcast?"

Cheng Guodong responded, "I'm watching."

"Look at those messages! They are right, Xiao Taotie is the future all-around superstar!" The voice of PR No. 1 was extremely excited.

Cheng Guodong frowned, worried: "That would be very tiring, why should my sister be so tired?"

"Boss, you also saw that we didn't teach her to open the live broadcast room, but Xiao Taotie opened it herself! Maybe Xiao Taotie wants to be a superstar herself? We should respect her own wishes, train and guide her, and silently Escort forward!"

Cheng Guodong pursed his lips. He didn't want his sister to be too tired. He learned this and that at a young age, but when he thought of his sister looking at him with big bright eyes, he said childishly, "I want to be the brightest star. Make many, many people like me!"

Cheng Guodong was helpless, and said to PR No. 1: "Contact the teacher, as long as she wants to learn, find the best teacher to teach her!"

"Okay! I'll contact you immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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