Chapter 265 Big Brother Expands the Company
Cheng Guodong: "..."

"Boss, where are you going? Boss, don't run away..."

Cheng Guodong ran away, if he didn't run now, he wouldn't be able to get off work tonight!

There is no one else who can do what he does!

PR No. 1 had a bitter face, and ran behind, "Boss, you have to screen out a few partners, we've picked them all for you!"

"Fifty, choose fifty and give them to me!" Cheng Guodong got into the car smoothly, waved at PR No. 1, and drove away.

PR No. 1 watched with tears in his eyes as the car drove away and could no longer catch up.


Before going to bed, Xiao Taotie took out his mobile phone and started the live broadcast, beckoned to the fans who were rushing into the live broadcast room, and blew a kiss: "Everyone, good night!"

Little Taotie has already learned how to turn off the live broadcast under Qin Xin's patient guidance.

After saying good night, she turned off the live broadcast.

Those who didn't have time to enter the live broadcast room were extremely regretful and could only watch the screen recordings shared online.

Little Taotie's blown kisses won the hearts of countless fans.

By the end of the night, 24 hours a day, the number of fans of Little Taotie really exceeded 2000 million. Originally, there were still 200 million fans, but in just half an hour, after the video of blowing kisses spread on the Internet, it suddenly rushed to 2000 million. fan!

Public Relations No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 worked overtime overnight until dawn.

Finally sorted out 50 cooperation invitations in the morning.

PR No. 1 yawned and stood guard in front of Cheng Guodong's office with two big dark circles under his eyes.

Waiting, waiting, he crouched down.

Waiting and waiting, he tilted his head.

Wait, wait, he fell asleep!
Before Cheng Guodong came to the office, he saw the PR No. 1 lying sprawled in front of his office door, with an unshaven beard, deep dark circles under the eyes, messy hair and greasy hair, like a beggar.

The corner of Cheng Guodong's mouth twitched and he coughed.

People did not wake up.

Cheng Guodong coughed loudly.

The person finally reacted and shivered a bit, as if it was too cold to sleep on the floor, and opened his eyes in a trance.

The moment he saw Cheng Guodong, PR No. 1 almost cried.

Cheng Guodong took two steps back, feeling bad.

Public Relations No. 1 saw that he was about to run away again, couldn't hold back, and burst into tears: "Boss, we worked overtime last night, and finally read all those faxes, and selected 50 of them! In the early morning, several more boxes came! I'm about to collapse, the faster Xiao Taotie's fans grow, the faster my head will become bald!"

That's horrible!What a tragedy!Fortunately, I ran fast yesterday!

Cheng Guodong coughed dryly: "If you recruit more people, everyone's salary will be doubled this month!"

"How many people can be recruited? I have many old classmates. Can I ask for help?"

"Okay! Find them all!" Cheng Guodong thought for a while and said, "I have adopted your suggestion last time. The only artist in the company is Xiao Taotie. When participating in variety shows or other programs, they are all artists from other companies. I have taken care of my sister, so we really should train some of our own artists! How about this, in addition to the public relations department, other departments will also expand their recruitment, and select some artists, a total of 200 people will be recruited."

The company currently has more than 200 people, and if it recruits another 200 people, it will be close to 500 people.

Cheng Guodong looked at the office environment, and it seemed that he was about to move, to a bigger and more spacious office building!

After Xiao Taotie woke up, the first thing he did was to open the live broadcast room.

There was a brief pause in the live broadcast room, and a large number of fans poured in.

"Everyone, good morning! mua~" Blowing a cute kiss, Xiao Taotie tilted his head and blinked at the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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