Chapter 266 Xu Ya's Crow's Mouth

[Beauty crit! 】

[I was hit! 】

【Cute!I really want to hug the little Taotie and kiss him fiercely! 】

[It's so cute that it's a foul! 】

[I'm a little afraid that the little glutton will run away after flirting! 】

As soon as this message was uploaded, Xiao Taotie froze, and the live broadcast room was shut down!
Those fans who saw the message were so depressed that they cursed in their hearts: Crow's mouth!This is the opened crow's mouth!
Xu Ya was at a loss.

The roommate ran in front of her and wailed: "I saw it! A small fruit is your Douyin account! It's you! You are the crow's mouth!"

Xu Ya: "..."

The roommate continued to wail: "You crow mouth, it's all your fault! My little glutton, I haven't had time to give you gifts!"

Xu Ya regained her senses and covered her ears: "Stop howling, if someone hears it, they will rush over and beat me!"

The roommate looked at the door and was stunned: "It''s too late."

Xu Ya trembled.

A row of people at the door stared at Xu Ya fiercely.

Xu Ya stepped back to the window, looked at the fifth floor, and gave up.

She knelt down directly, begging for mercy very spinelessly: "Sisters, girls, it's my fault!"

"Hmph!" A row of people left in a mighty manner.

Xu Ya wiped off her sweat: "It's a good thing I admit it."

The roommate was staring at the phone, afraid of missing Xiao Taotie's live broadcast.

Xu Ya asked suspiciously: "Aren't you out of money? Why do you still have money to buy gifts for Xiao Taotie?"

The roommate laughed.

"Don't just laugh, tell the truth!"

"Last night, I posted the little video of the little glutton blowing a kiss to say good night on the Internet. Overnight, the number of clicks increased dramatically, and I made a small amount of money!"

"This..." Xu Ya was dumbfounded: "Does it count as the wool coming from the sheep? You use the video of the little Taotie to make money, and the money you earn is used to give the little Taotie gifts."

"Hey, it's probably the same as the parents who confiscated the children's lucky money during the Chinese New Year and bought this and that for the children!" The roommate said proudly: "I want to learn how to edit and edit out the cutest appearance of my cub! "

Xu Ya squinted at her: "I suspect that you are only doing it to make money."

"What nonsense! Didn't I use all the money I made to build castles for Zai Zai?"

Xu Ya looked at her account with little balance left, and was hesitating whether she should learn from her roommate.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Xu Ya picked up the phone, and a gentle male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, the company was already fully recruited, so you were eliminated. Now that the company has expanded its recruitment, I wonder if you are still interested in joining us?"

"I... Do I really have this honor?"

"haha of course!"

"I want to join, I will come to the company right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Ya was so excited that she grabbed her roommate and started talking non-stop: "Last month, I submitted my resume to Xiao Taotie's company, but I was eliminated. I didn't expect the company to expand its recruitment, and I was admitted again!"

The roommate said with a dark face: "Such a good opportunity, you don't want me!"

Xu Ya secretly smiled: "Your grades are so good, if I pull you in, how can I have a chance?"

The roommate snorted: "Unpredictable, bad woman!"

Xu Ya hurriedly coaxed people: "Don't be angry, I'll give you the link, you go and submit your resume, now that the enrollment is expanding, maybe you also have a chance!"

"That's about the same!" The roommate rubbed his hands, his eyes sparkled, "When you enter the company, you may have the opportunity to get in close contact with the little Taotie. I really want to touch her little head. Her hair must be soft and fluffy, and it must feel super soft to the touch." Great!"

(End of this chapter)

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