Chapter 276
The little Taotie who was about to "pounce on the hungry tiger" was stunned, and looked blankly at A Piao in red.

After driving away those evil spirits, Ah Piao in red didn't do anything that wanted to eat alone, but stayed quietly beside the two little cloth spots.

Hua Jinyan originally thought that she was chasing away those evil spirits, just like the ghost king she met before, wanting to eat alone, but unexpectedly, she was more like a protector.

The behavior of A Piao in red is like expelling the evil spirits away, and then guarding the two of them to prevent the evil spirits from getting closer.

Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie looked at each other, and they both saw that she was not an evil spirit, but a very powerful vengeful spirit.

Wraith spirits can scare away groups of evil spirits, which is quite powerful, after all, wraith spirits themselves are much weaker than evil spirits.

It can be seen...the resentment is deep!

Or resentment is overwhelming!

It's just that this kind of resentment and resentment did not turn into her evil thoughts of harming others, so she can still maintain her rationality, and she is still just a resentful spirit, unlike the Ino I met before, who had the evil intention of killing before she became an evil spirit .

"Sister Hongyi, are you protecting us?" Little Taotie tilted his head, his big eyes sparkling.

A Piao in red was taken aback for a moment, her cloudy eyes gradually became clear, she looked at the two small cloth spots in front of her, and asked in astonishment, "You...can you see me?"

She thought that these two small cloth dots were just here to explore and play, just like the children who came to explore the abandoned factory building before.

One of the children was not young in the previous life, which made those evil spirits have the idea of ​​devouring them. That's why she came forward to drive those evil spirits away. She never thought that these two small cloth spots could see her.

It's been a long time since she met anyone who could see her.

"Yeah, we can all see it!" Little Taotie pointed to his eyes, then pointed to A Piao in red, and smiled: "Your red dress is so pretty, like when I was filming, the beautiful sisters in the crew The clothes they wear, they call them ancient costumes."

A Piao in red looked at the child's cute and childish voice, and slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his white and tender fingers to point at A Piao's dimple in red, and then pointed to himself, showing a shy smile, the little dimple was slightly sunken.

"Sister in red, look, we all have little dimples!"

A Piao in red has not talked to anyone for a long time, let alone such a cute child, his tone is soft and soft: "Yes, it is really destined, what's your name?"

"My name is Tao Ti! However, everyone likes to call me Little Taotie!" Little Taotie rubbed his belly and smiled, "Because I eat a lot!"

"I also had a big appetite when I was alive. When I disguised myself as a man and went to the battlefield, my appetite was bigger than those of the men!"

"Wow!" Little Taotie's big eyes were shining brightly, full of bright little stars, "Sister in red has even been on the battlefield, so amazing!"

"That's right! I have a bigger appetite, stronger strength, and better martial arts than men! Thousands of enemy soldiers died in my hands back then! I'm a famous killer!"

Hua Jinyan looked at Yipiao, one person, and then at the sky, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Did you come here in the middle of the night to chat with A Piao?
He was afraid that if he waited too long, he would attract the ghost king and other powerful apiao, so he took out the sandalwood box and put on the seven-color relic bracelet.

At the moment when the transparent light reappeared, Ah Piao in red shuddered all over, backed away again and again, keeping a distance from Hua Jinyan, but his eyes were suddenly filled with mist, and he stared at the string of colorful relics in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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