Chapter 277 The Mortal World Without You

"Sister, why are you crying?" Little Taotie blinked, his big eyes were full of worry.

A tear fell down the corner of the eye.

A Piao in red stretched out her hand, staring blankly at the sad tears.

It has been too many years, and the memory has long been blurred.

"Arnuo, do you really want to divorce?" The man's voice was soft and humble: "It's my fault, I will change..."

She resolutely handed him the divorce letter, and said coldly, "There is no Arnold in this world, only Leng Kai!"

In the fire, her elder brother died in the flames to save her.

From that day on, Leng Nuo was dead.

She wants to live on for her brother, fulfill his wish for him, go to battle to kill the enemy, and kill all the enemies under the sword!
She raised her head to meet the man's sad and affectionate eyes, sealed up her love for him from the bottom of her heart, and showed all her cruelty to him.

"Does it have to be like this?" The man looked at her sadly.

"If you love me, you should understand me."

Hearing this, the man gave a wretched smile, and finally pressed his fingerprint on the divorce letter.

From then on, one is different from the other, and everyone is happy.

She painted thick eyebrows and put on armor, almost exactly like her brother.

Before leaving, she finally couldn't bear it, and quietly climbed over the wall and entered the Hou's mansion, and went to see him one last time, because she knew in her heart that once she left Beijing, she would never return in this life.

Through the screen, I heard his hoarse voice: "Did you come?"

She didn't dare to take a step forward and stopped in front of the screen.

"I guess you will come before you leave." He smiled lightly, with a hint of joy in his voice.

She didn't say a word.

"This farewell, from now on you will fight the enemy bravely on the battlefield, and I will pray for you in front of the Buddha, wishing you peace and safety."

Following his voice, he came out from behind the screen, wearing a monk's robe, which had already been shaved.

She backed up again and again, almost lost her balance and fell to the ground, barely holding on to the table to stabilize, and looked at him in disbelief.

"We have already retired. With your family background and talent, you can marry a gentle and noble girl who is hundreds of times better than me! Why do you..."

"There will be no better woman than you." He smiled softly, with a bit of relief in his smile: "If you torture each other for a lifetime with a woman you don't love, it's better to return to the Buddha from now on, the ancient Buddha with a green lamp for a lifetime. "

"You...why are you doing this..." She shed tears, but she didn't stop, she turned around and fled, before going out, she said hoarsely: "I betrayed you, if there is an afterlife... I will definitely not bear it again." you!"

A Piao in red pulled back her thoughts from the distant memory, looked at the tears in her hands, and smiled wryly: "Back then, I thought there would be an afterlife, but it wasn't like that."

A Piao in red looked deeply at the string of colorful relic bracelets, and smiled sadly: "You have become a Buddha, and it is difficult for me to get close. If you drink that bowl of Meng Po soup in front of the Reincarnation Hall, you will only be completely forgotten." , reincarnation life after life in the mortal world without you... What's the point?"

Little Taotie raised his head to look at her, and saw that the resentment on the forehead of A Piao in red was strong, as if it had substance.

Hua Jinyan was afraid that she would hurt the little Taotie, so he took a step forward and kept the little Taotie behind him, looking at her with eyes full of vigilance.

A Piao in red met the vigilant eyes of the little boy, and saw him protecting the little girl behind him without hesitation, as if he saw that frail scholar who obviously didn't know martial arts standing in the distant time. Protect yourself in front of yourself.

Ah Piao in Hong Yi sighed, "It's getting late, you guys go back quickly, this is not a good place, don't come here again next time."

(End of this chapter)

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