Chapter 280 Ma Ming and Her Old Acquaintance

Before Little Taotie stopped her again, she disappeared in a wisp of red smoke.

Little Taotie was at a loss: "Why did you leave without explaining?"

Hua Jinyan took her little hand, "Don't worry about it, it will be dawn soon, and Teacher Ma will wake up."

"Then let's go back quickly! Brother Shen called me yesterday and said that he would come and make strawberry cakes with me in the morning, and I'm going to send the cakes to my brothers and sisters in the crew to eat!"

Before leaving the abandoned factory, Little Taotie looked back at the place where the sister in red disappeared, "Hua Jinyan, shall we come again tonight?"

Hua Jinyan frowned: "You want to help her?"

Little Taotie nodded: "Although Sister Hongyi is very powerful, she becomes lonely when she becomes Ah Piao. If she is reincarnated, she will have new parents to love her."

"Okay, let's do it again tonight."


Tao Shen had already arrived, Ma Ming opened the door for him, and the two sat across the table.Ma Ming drank the milk and ate the strawberry cake Tao Shen sent, and looked deeply at Tao Shen from time to time.

Tao Shen was trembling and dared not move.Let Principal Ma look at him with meaningful eyes.

After drinking the last sip of milk, Ma Ming put down his glass and asked, "Is the matter resolved?"

Tao Shen felt uneasy in his heart, and responded in a low voice: "I don't know if it's resolved, she has also been reborn."

Ma Ming narrowed his eyes, as if he saw something interesting: "Evil people have their own grind."

In the orphanage, Tao Yinyin tried her best to pretend to be good, pretending that she was already well and not stupid.

As everyone knows, the more this happened, the more it proved what Tao Shen said to the principal.It wasn't that she was stupid, but she couldn't accept the daughter of a wealthy family who became a criminal, so she had psychological problems.

The principal is going to send her to a mental hospital as Liu Aiguo said.

It's just that there are still some procedures that haven't been completed, so she will be left in the orphanage for the time being.

On this day, two newcomers came to the orphanage.

It's a pair of dragon and phoenix twins.

Tao Yinyin and the twins had a fight as soon as they met.

The twin sister grabbed a chopstick and pierced Tao Yinyin's eye, causing blood to drip on the spot.


After Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan came back, they didn't dare to look at Ma Ming, for fear that he would ask him.

Ma Ming didn't ask the two children immediately, but asked them to wash up and come over for breakfast.

After breakfast was finished, Xiao Taotie followed Tao Shen to make three big boxes of strawberry cakes.

Tao Shen didn't dare to stay here any longer, although he really wanted to be with his sister, but the look in Principal Ma's eyes clearly meant to chase her away, so he could only leave first.

After Tao Shen left, Ma Ming put on a stern face and settled the score after the autumn.

"Where did you go last night?"

Hua Jinyan wanted to speak, but Ma Ming said coldly, "I'll ask her, don't speak."

Little Taotie pointed his fingers guilty, wanted to fool him, but didn't know how to fool him, so he looked at Hua Jinyan for help, and when he saw Hua Jinyan was about to speak, Teacher Ma scolded him.

She could only come forward and replied: "We went to the abandoned factory nearby."

Ma Ming was silent for a moment.

Little Taotie continued: "We met a very powerful vengeful spirit, and she was able to scare away many, many evil spirits, really amazing!"

Ma Ming lowered his eyes, thinking of that formidable red-clothed wraith.

As the avatar, he needs to help the first soul to do some things, such as letting those resentful spirits who are reluctant to reincarnate let go of their obsessions.

Among them, the most difficult to deal with is the red-clothed wraith. She has stayed in the mortal world for too long, from ancient times to the present for thousands of years, but she has never been able to let go of her obsession.

And her obsession is really incomprehensible.

Hua Jinyan saw his strangeness and asked, "Do you know A Piao in red in the abandoned factory?"

(End of this chapter)

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