Chapter 281 The Millennium Problem Solved
Ma Ming nodded and talked about Apiao in red.

From Ma Ming's narration, Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan learned that A Piao in Red is a vengeful spirit who has stayed in the mortal world for thousands of years.

Because of killing too many lives, she is more vicious than evil spirits after death, and ordinary evil spirits are afraid of her.

The Wraith has been in the mortal world for a long time, and gradually blurs her memory and becomes food for evil spirits. Ordinary evil spirits are afraid of her, but the ghost king is not, and wants to devour her.

She has a body of Buddha's light on her body, and the ghost king who came to devour her was swallowed by her instead.

Since then, for thousands of years, she has become stronger and stronger, which is the fundamental reason why Wraith is so powerful.

"Why does she have Buddha's light on her body?" Little Taotie asked doubtfully.

Ma Ming's eyes fell on the colorful relics on Hua Jinyan's wrist, "The light of Buddha comes from the same source as this string of colorful relics."

Hua Jinyan was slightly taken aback, "Is it the same eminent monk?"


Ma Ming recalled: "Thousands of years ago, before the eminent monk became a monk, they had a marriage contract."

"It's just that later, due to fate, she went to the battlefield, divorced, and the eminent monk became a monk."

"The two have no fate since then. But her obsession is too deep, she must be reincarnated in the reincarnation of an eminent monk, but that eminent monk has already transcended the mortal world, how can he enter reincarnation?"

"Thus, she became a thousand-year-old resentful spirit who has been reluctant to reincarnate."

Little Taotie couldn't understand, and asked suspiciously: "Sister Hongyi doesn't want to be reincarnated, is it just because she can't see an eminent monk?"

Ma Ming nodded: "Her obsession is nothing more than that, but it is as difficult as reaching the sky."

"Why is it so difficult?" Little Taotie blinked his big eyes: "Go to reincarnation first, then become a monk, and then become an eminent monk, then you can go to that eminent monk."

Ma Ming was taken aback.

Little Taotie chattered: "If my sister doesn't want to forget her memories, she can skip the soup, right? In the last class, you said that some people can reincarnate with the memories of their previous lives."

Ma Ming was stunned for a long time, and suddenly he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "The millennium problem was solved by you little baby in a few words."

Ma Ming hurriedly left, leaving Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan staring blankly at each other.

Little Taotie: "Is this a problem?"

Hua Jin said: "Adults are always mediocre and make things too complicated."

Little Taotie: "Then I don't want to grow up, I feel like I will become a fool when I grow up."

Hua Jinyan smiled lightly: "It's time for you to go to the set."

"That's right! I'm going to find my aunt, and my aunt drives faster than my second brother!"

When the nanny heard that Xiao Taotie was going to the set, she hurriedly changed Xiao Taotie into a beautiful little dress.

Hua Jinyan also wanted to follow, and the nanny found out a small suit that matched the small skirt very well.

The two children were dressed by her as if the bride and groom were about to enter the wedding scene.

The auntie nanny was very satisfied with her masterpiece, she carried a box containing strawberry cakes, and took her two children into her nanny car.

This is her usual transportation for grocery shopping, but it is a Land Rover that workers can hardly afford even if they save money.

"Everyone is seated! Let's go!" The nanny stepped on the accelerator.

Hua Jin said: "..."

Little Taotie: "Wow! So fast, so good!"

Hua Jin said: "Auntie, slow down, safety first."

Aunt Nanny: "My old aunt doesn't think it's fast, I've already used the slowest speed!"

Women are the craziest when they drive a car!
Hua Jinyan looked at the little Taotie who was excitedly urging the nanny to go faster, holding his forehead, the little Taotie has grown up, it is best not to learn to drive.

(End of this chapter)

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