Chapter 282 This move is wonderful
Ma Ming shook the horse-faced bell, and King Ma-Mian Ming appeared.

"Clone, you are so annoying."

Ma Ming: "When I tell you why I'm looking for you, you won't find me annoying."

King Ma Mian Ming folded his hands on his chest: "Then you say it."

Ma Ming: "The millennium problem has been solved."

The millennium problem has long been recognized as a matter, so when King Ma Mianming heard the word "millennium problem", he thought of Hongyi Apiao.

"Don't make trouble, if you can solve it, you don't have to delay it for thousands of years. This is unsolvable. That person has already become a Buddha, it is impossible to enter reincarnation, and he has already forgotten her. And she will not enter the reincarnation without him, because that Under the protection of the Buddha's light, even I can't force her into Mengpo soup, let alone force her into reincarnation, this matter will never be solved!"

Ma Ming chuckled: "No, now there is a solution, and my apprentice came up with it!"

King Ma Mian Ming put on a straight face: "Are you accepting apprentices behind my back? Didn't I tell you that it's best not to get too involved with mortals, don't fall in love, don't get married, don't have children, and don't accept a disciple?" Make trouble for me with a pile of apprentices!"

"Tsk, if I hadn't seen the horse-faced bell, I wouldn't have accepted him as an apprentice. If you hadn't been the child you had your eyes on first, I would have accepted the opportunity."

King Ma Mian Ming was taken aback, and asked, "You mean little Taotie?"

"Yes, there is one more."

"I've only given horse-faced bells to little Taotie."

"you sure?"

King Ma Mian Ming recalled, "I gave her two."

"That's right, it must have been given to him by Xiao Taotie, hehe, that person's background is not simple."

King Ma Mian Ming became serious: "It can't be..." He pointed to the sky, and made another movement of zipping his mouth.

Ma Ming nodded.

King Ma Mianming supported his forehead: "When he returns to his throne, I am finished."

Ma Ming said sarcastic words: "I am his master, hehe!"

What he thought in his heart was that when he returned to his position, he would have already merged with the deity. As a weaker party, he would end up splitting like a mortal, and after he became normal, he would only be left with his original No.

All that trouble has nothing to do with his little clone!

He is very happy to make more troubles like this for the deity!
King Ma Mianming glared at him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"I'm leaving, I'm not in the mood to talk to you."

King Ma Mian Ming was about to leave, but Ma Ming stopped him, "No more talk, I just asked you to solve the millennium problem! Little Taotie came up with a solution, do you want to know?"

"Say it quickly." King Ma Mianming didn't believe at all that the millennium problem would be solved by a child.

"She doesn't want to reincarnate in reincarnation because she can't see that person. Then tell her that only reincarnation can see that person. She has stayed in the mortal world as a resentful spirit for thousands of years. She should also know that it is not enough to continue to waste time. Solve what problem."

"The problem is, she won't be able to see that person even if she is reincarnated." King Ma Mian Ming felt that what Ma Ming said was like farting.

"Only by reincarnation can one become a monk."

"Let's go home?"

"Yes! If you become a monk and become an eminent monk, you can meet whoever she wants to meet."


"We can let her reincarnate directly. With the memories of her previous life, she can have a clearer goal. When she became a monk since she was a child, she didn't believe that she would not be able to become an eminent monk in her lifetime! She reincarnated with her memory and repeated the operation again and again, even if she could not become an eminent monk in the tenth life, she could become a good person in the tenth life! A good person in the tenth life can become a Buddha immediately! She can meet the person she wants to see!"

King Ma Mianming exclaimed: "This trick is wonderful! Wonderful!"

(End of this chapter)

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