Chapter 285 Something Happened to Gu Yixing
"Don't worry, I'll wear it next to my body after filming."

Little Taotie pointed at his fingers, tilted his head helplessly: "That's fine."

Gu Yixing was about to shoot the next scene, he patted Xiao Taotie's head, "Then I'll go to film."

Little Taotie nodded obediently.

The stylist sister hurried over.

At the moment, her look is completely different from when she was on the set. She was wearing very fashionable clothes when she was on the set, trendy brand sweaters, the sweaters are always very different and bright stickers, ripped jeans, rivet shoes, she looks like a rocker of.

But now her look has become a black suit, a small v-neck shirt, a shawl with straight hair, bangs are meticulously fixed with hairspray, looking rustic and cool.

Little Taotie looked at her in surprise, a little bit unrecognizable.

"Sister stylist?"

"It's me! How come you don't know me after I haven't seen you for a day?"

"You are so cool!"


Little Taotie raised his thumbs up: "Cool!"

"Something went wrong!" came a scream.

Little Taotie looked up, and saw that one of the coercion on Gu Yixing's body was broken. Fortunately, there was still one hanging, but this one was also stuck. There was no way to pull him up from the cliff, and he was afraid that it would be worn off too. up.

In fact, it should be filmed indoors today, but the assistant director suggested that there is a nearby waterfall that is very similar to the one in the script, and that it can be shot in real scene, so we will shoot outside.

Who would have thought that something would happen as soon as we went outside for live shooting!

Hua Jinyan rushed to Xiao Taotie's side. From the perspective of the two of them, there are many monkeys wrapped around Gu Yixing's body at this moment, and those monkeys are evil spirits!

This is also the first time that Little Taotie sees an animal transformed into an evil spirit.

Little Taotie wanted to rush up to save others, but was stopped by Hua Jinyan, "You want to fly up the waterfall? Wait for the helicopter to come over!"

"Brother Gu will be okay?" Little Taotie held Hua Jinyan's hand tightly, very nervous and worried.

"It'll be fine, don't worry."

The helicopter slowly approached the waterfall, but suddenly there was an abnormality.

"Is there something wrong?" The stylist sister frowned.

Little Taotie looked up, and saw those monkey spirits jumped onto the helicopter, preventing the plane from approaching Gu Yixing.

"Hua Jinyan, what should we do now?"

"I called my dad. He is calling Director Chen. Director Chen will let me get on the helicopter."

They had proposed to get on a helicopter before, but Director Chen refused, thinking that the two children were messing around at a critical moment.

When Director Chen hung up the phone, he frowned, took a deep look at Hua Jinyan, and asked, "Is what your father said true?"

Director Hua revealed the difference in his son. In fact, there have been rumors in the industry that Director Hua's son had yin and yang eyes at a very young age. No one has confirmed this rumor. It is only heard that Director Hua sent his son to the Shaolin Temple for a long-term stay.

Hua Jinyan pursed his lips and nodded: "It's true."

Director Chen has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and he has heard some things.

For example, a small [-]th-line entertainer invited a Feng Shui master to make a fortune, and took a movie that everyone thought was bad, who knew it would become a hit.

Another example is that a certain big star went to a foreign country and recognized a Feng Shui master as his adoptive father, and he has been winning prizes and getting soft.

Another example is that a certain little flower has the ability to predict, dreaming that there will be a traffic accident the next day, and asks people to avoid that road and take a detour. Sure enough, there is a major rear-end accident on that road, etc...

Director Chen took a deep breath and finally let go: "Okay, you can get on the second helicopter!"

Little Taotie raised his little hand: "And me!"

Director Chen frowned, thinking the child was making trouble, sighed, helplessly: "Little Taotie, be good."

"I'm very good!" Little Taotie tilted his head, his eyes full of puzzlement.

Hua Jinyan pursed his lips and lowered his voice: "She is like me, she can see, she can grab those things."

"What?" Director Chen widened his eyes, suspecting that he had hallucinations.

(End of this chapter)

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