Chapter 286 It was Little Taotie who saved you

Director Chen couldn't believe it, and after calling Cheng Guodong to verify, he agreed to let Xiao Taotie get on the plane.

Xiao Taotie and Hua Jinyan squeezed into the plane, and there were several rescuers inside.

This plane bypassed the first plane and approached Gu Yixing ahead of time.

An evil spirit monkey grinned its teeth, its eyes were blood red, and the hair on its body was blown by the wind to emit black smoke. It looked weird and terrifying.

It stretched out its sharp claws and slapped the window of the straight body, trying to cause the helicopter to malfunction as well.

Its ferocious eyes suddenly startled, and the pupils dilated.

A soft, white and tender hand grabbed the monkey's paw the moment it penetrated the glass, and yanked it violently.

It bared its teeth and let out a growl.

Little Taotie grabbed its tail and began to twiddle, talking to Hua Jinyan while doing the twitching: "They are monkeys, what will they turn into? Or chocolate?"

Hua Jinyan thought for a while, and answered, "Maybe it's chocolate with a monkey pattern."

Little Taotie put his palms together, seeing that the rescuers were all concerned about Gu Yixing's direction and didn't pay attention to him, so he opened his palms quietly.

Sure enough, there was a piece of monkey-shaped chocolate lying in the palm.

The helicopter approached Gu Yixing smoothly without interference, and rescued Gu Yixing.

Gu Yixing was still in shock, and this was the first time he encountered such an accident after his debut for many years.

Little Taotie patted his pocket, waved to Hua Jinyan, opened a gap in the pocket to show him, giggled: "We will share after we go back!"

Hua Jinyan pursed his lips and smiled lightly, then nodded.

After getting off the helicopter, Gu Yixing sat on the rattan chair holding a thermos cup, his face pale.

Little Taotie walked up to him with small steps, but he didn't notice it at all.

Little Taotie covered his mouth and sniggered mischievously, approached his ear, and shouted: "Brother Gu!"

Gu Yixing was startled and jumped up from the wicker chair.

Gu Yixing covered his heart, frowned and looked at Little Taotie, his eyes were full of condemnation.

Little Taotie tilted his head and blinked mischievously: "Brother Gu, are you still afraid?"

How could Gu Yixing admit that he had lingering fears in front of a child.

Little Taotie took out the red cloth bag, "Brother Gu, stretch out your hand!"

Gu Yixing stretched out his hand, Xiao Taotie took his hand and opened it, stuffed the red cloth bag into her palm, and said in a childish voice, "I got it from your manager, this time you have to wear it next to your body, don't worry about it." Leave again!"

Gu Yixing stared blankly at the red cloth bag in his palm and asked, "Can I open it?"

Little Taotie nodded.

Gu Yixing opened the cloth bag and took out a piece of paper, on which a lion was drawn with a colorful flower in its mouth.

"Is this a lion?"

Little Taotie leaned over to take a look, and was surprised to find that it was exactly the same as the third cousin, the big white lion in her dream!
"Is this safe?" Gu Yixing's eyes were full of doubts. He thought it would be a portrait of a powerful Buddhist or Taoist, but it turned out to be a portrait of a lion.

The majestic and majestic lion holds a colorful flower in its mouth, which is funny no matter how you look at it.

Little Taotie recalled the mighty white lion on the battlefield in his dream, and looked at the portrait with sparkling eyes, "The white lion is very powerful, he has a high status in the lion clan, and he goes into battle with a mouthful of monsters, the best!"

Gu Yixing sighed and asked, "Who gave this to you?"

"Teacher Ma!"

"your teacher?"

"Teacher of Metaphysics!" Little Taotie said in a childish voice.

"Mystery teacher?"

Director Chen came over and heard the conversation between the two, "You have to thank Xiao Taotie this time, she saved you."

(End of this chapter)

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