Chapter 287 Just Don't Want to Believe
Gu Yixing was at a loss and surprised.

Director Chen explained: "I asked someone to look at the costume you were wearing, and it was changed. There are some things written in cinnabar that attract evil spirits. Someone should be trying to harm you."

Gu Yixing's face turned cold: "An accident happened at the scene. If you don't investigate the cause of the accident, you will be superstitious."

"I'm serious."

"I don't believe it. I will settle accounts with you for this accident."

Dao Chen was so angry that he asked someone to check it. He spent a lot of money to find out the reason in that costume, but he couldn't believe it!
"Come with me, I'll find a professional to talk to you!" Director Chen forcibly pulled him away.

Hua Jinyan walked up to Little Taotie and asked, "Go back?"

Little Taotie nodded, took out a monkey-patterned chocolate in his pocket and fed it to Hua Jinyan's mouth, and took a chocolate with the other hand to eat by himself.

Hua Jinyan did not refuse, and ate the chocolate that Xiao Taotie fed to his mouth.


Gu Yixing was dragged into a mysterious room by Director Chen. Ma Ming was closing his eyes and resting his mind at the moment. When he saw someone coming, he licked the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that you don't believe it?" Ma Ming asked.

Gu Yixing frowned and looked at this man who was more handsome than himself, even more disbelieving.

He suspected that this was a star who wanted to debut, and he used this to get close to director Chen and himself.

Ma Ming gave him an eyedrop, playing with the taste: "You can see the supernatural world for twelve hours, cherish this rare opportunity."

"Oh, that's right! Let me introduce myself. My surname is Ma, and I'm also Xiao Taotie's metaphysics teacher." Ma Ming took the red cloth bag from Gu Yixing's hand, "I'll take this first."

"It turns out that you asked Xiao Taotie to give it to me!"

Gu Yixing suspected that Xiao Taotie and her manager had been cheated, and with the intention of exposing him, Gu Yixing ordered eye drops.

The next twelve hours became the most terrifying twelve hours in his life.

Director Chen handed him the costume, "Take a good look at this costume, I haven't found out who changed it."

"I just changed the clothes, don't worry about it." Gu Yixing still didn't care.

Both Director Chen and Ma Ming left, Gu Yixing picked up his clothes and looked at them, then took some eye drops, and suddenly froze.

From his perspective, the clothes seemed to be burning, and black smoke appeared, and the smoke drifted in all directions.

A hideous-looking monkey came in through the window, it was transparent, more like a light body.

He went straight to the clothes, Gu Yixing let go subconsciously, and the clothes fell to the ground, and saw the monkey biting the clothes frantically. Although it was only transparent and did not cause any damage to the clothes, the black spots on the clothes were visible to the naked eye. narrow down.

Several weird monkeys came in through the window, and rushed to the clothes as soon as they entered.

Gu Yixing took a deep breath and distanced himself from these crazy monkeys.

But he still didn't want to believe it. He opened his voice and shouted towards the door: "Don't think I don't know, it's lighting, right? To be able to produce such a lifelike light, the other party is a super-level lighting engineer, right?"

"Stop messing around, I've already seen through your tricks!"

For a long time, no one responded at all, and more and more monkeys rushed in.

Gu Yixing took a deep breath, slowly moved to the window, pulled up the curtains, and shouted: "Now let's see how you light up! The light can't come in at all!"

The moment the curtains were drawn, the room was plunged into darkness. Gu Yixing turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, only to see that the monkeys were still there!

(End of this chapter)

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