Chapter 293

"You can't just immerse yourself in sadness. Now you have to think of the tragedy of your parents being killed, and the picture of your relatives being killed one by one that day! You want revenge!"

Accompanied by the director's voice, Xiao Taotie tried to stand up, but seemed to be leaning against the wall because of his weak legs, feeling decadent and helpless.

This is not the feeling the director wants. What the director wants is to come out of sadness, suddenly have firm eyes, and want revenge.

Just when the director was about to call out, Little Taotie suddenly fell to the ground, her hands seemed to be shaking, she knelt down on the ground, staring blankly at the rain, as if she had seen something extremely terrifying, her eyes were filled with tears. frightened.

She suddenly covered her ears with her hands and screamed.

Those eyes closed, then opened suddenly, the eyes were full of resentment!

Little Taotie fantasized about the eyes of those resentful spirits, they were extremely resentful, like hollow, and like an abyss.

The director ordered someone to take a close-up of these eyes. When the movie theater puts them here, everyone will be shocked when they see the eyes on the big screen.

"Royal father, queen mother..." Her lips trembled, and her voice was unrecognizable.

Strong reluctance burst out from her eyes, and suddenly, she clenched her fists tightly.

The director pointed the camera at her clenched little fist.

Little Taotie stood up, patted the water off his body, and walked into the rain, his face was neither sad nor happy.

At such a young age, he seemed to have turned into a face of ice.

"Ca!" The director waited for the cameraman to capture the back view of Xiao Taotie walking away, and then called out Ka.

He doubted that if he didn't call out the card, the little girl would go farther and farther along the way.

Little Taotie trotted back, his eyes sparkled like a galaxy full of stars.

The feeling of hollowness and coquettishness just now has completely disappeared, and now he is just a lively and cute little glutton.

Directors admire her ability to play.

Such a fast speed, even many adult actors can't do it.

It's almost like crying in one second, and a play in the next second, cooking happily.

The director saw Xiao Taotie took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and ate it, enjoying the "serving" from his four brothers.

Cheng Guodong wiped her rain-wet hair, Qin Xin wiped her hands and face, Tao Shen was in charge of passing pastries and snacks, and Tao Bin was in charge of holding an umbrella.

The little girl was favored by the group, like a real little queen.

In the play, the little heroine purposely touches porcelain and falls on the road, making it hard for the enemy general's carriage to pass, thinking that her own carriage hit the little beggar.

The general has a bad temper, and he wants to deal with this little beggar who looks emaciated.

But the general's wife is an extremely kind woman.

The general's wife adopted the little beggar and ordered her to be washed and dressed in high-quality clothes.

People rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing, this statement is not fooling people.

Now Little Taotie is no longer a little beggar, if his little face were whiter and fatter, he would be more like Miss Qianjin.

The general who originally wanted to kill the little beggar didn't want to kill her after seeing her small face. Instead, he calculated that this little girl would definitely not be ugly when she grows up, and maybe she could be used.

Both he and his wife have no daughters, and they are very envious of those families with daughters, who can rely on their daughters to climb up and lead the whole family to a higher level.

The general's wife treated the little Taotie sincerely, but the general was more or less too deliberate.

Little Taotie lived in the General's Mansion, and recognized the General and his wife as adoptive fathers and mothers. He always used the excuse that he liked to run around when he was young, and ran around the General's Mansion, and even got into the study and library. When there was no one, what? It's the safest time to get in, and everything is clear.

(End of this chapter)

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