Chapter 294 Talented Hardworking Type
The general's wife began to wipe away tears, expressing that the general's going to the front line this time may be bad luck.

Little Taotie suggested: "I will go with foster father."

"What can you do?" The general's wife just took it as a child's joke, reached out and touched her head, and didn't want to continue this topic.

The little heroine played by Xiao Taotie didn't continue to know each other, but her eyes started to roll around.

Before the general left, Little Taotie did not appear.

In the end, the general didn't wait any longer, he got on his horse and rode away, while the carriage was driven slowly by the groom, and the carriage was full of the general's luggage.

When the general came to rest at the station, he opened the curtain of the carriage, and saw a little girl tilting her head, beckoning to him, and softly shouted: "Father, how are you!"

How are you?The general was not happy at all, and said in a cold voice, "Are you going back?"

"I've come out with you, foster father, will you show me?"

In fact, the general just talked about how it is possible to let the young child go back alone.

Since he would not turn back when he went out, the general could only take Xiao Taotie to the direction of the barracks.

Little Taotie arrived at the barracks, opened his eyes, and gradually began to blend in with the soldiers.

Not long after, the battle began.

She saw many acquaintances have accidents, but could do nothing.

She began to study medicine. After the general died, the general's wife passed away within two years.

Little Taotie became the head of the family, and he looked much calmer than before.

Little Taotie tried his best to act like he was eight years old.

The director felt that the little girl's acting skills were good, so he didn't call the card, but let her continue filming all the way.

In the play, Xiao Taotie regards the soldiers in the general's hands as his own inheritance, so he leads this group of soldiers to eat and drink hot food. The whole army only recognizes the late general's daughter as the main one, and only listens to her orders.

The whole army took advantage of the gold, beheaded the leaders of the small countries all the way, and gradually annexed the surrounding small countries.

The little heroine's physique gradually became clear. Some people are born to do big things.

Surrounded by soldiers, the little heroine walked up the red carpet step by step, towards the golden staircase, walked up step by step, turned around at the end, and sat on the golden throne.

Little Taotie was still thinking in his heart that this throne should be inlaid with gems, so that it would look better.

"Ka!" the director shouted Ka, clapping his hands vigorously.

Xiao Taotie's acting is so natural, it's a skill only a talented person possesses, it doesn't feel like acting too hard, and it doesn't feel like there is no skill, but it is very engaging, making people feel that this is what happened for real.

This is a talented actor!

The director saw the little girl's eyes sparkling, and looked at him expectantly.

I know that the little girl is silently waiting for praise!

But the director was stingy, and smiled: "You are great, but your talent is still lacking. You need to work harder to catch up with others!"

Little Taotie's bright eyes dimmed instantly, his little head hung down, and he obediently responded: "I will work harder!"

Cheng Guodong's heart ached, he stepped forward to block his sister, and scolded the director to tell him not to know what was going on.

But before he got angry, the little Taotie tugged at the hem of his clothes, and said in a childish voice, "I want to accept it with humility, the director is doing it for my own good."

"But you have performed very well. He is the one who is picky and wants better! Not greedy enough!"

"I just hope that others will have high demands on me. Brother, I can only improve if I have high demands."

Little Taotie recalled the vibrato that he had seen before, saying that actors must rely on talent, and it is difficult for hardworking people to succeed.

She said softly: "I am a hardworking type, I have to work harder, and I have to accept the director's instructions with humility."

(End of this chapter)

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