Chapter 296 I'm a National Treasure
Seeing the sales volume brought by the children's clothing advertisement, the other six have already negotiated cooperation, and the advertisers who are waiting to formally sign the contract are anxious to death. They frantically call Cheng Guodong's mobile phone every day, asking him when the little glutton will be finished, when will he be on the crew, and when Commercials!

Now that Xiao Taotie has left the film crew, Cheng Guodong's phone keeps ringing.

Little Taotie tilted his head: "Is it an advertiser?"

"Yes." Cheng Guodong turned off the phone directly.

"Then let's go shoot commercials!" Little Taotie's eyes sparkled, and he looked energetic.

Cheng Guodong tapped her small forehead, and said helplessly: "Go back and rest for a while, you stay with the director from early to late every day, and you don't miss the night scene, you have become a rare national treasure at such a young age!"

Little Taotie laughed mischievously: "I am a national treasure!"

"Are you still proud?" Cheng Guodong raised his forehead.

The child said that he was not tired, but he still fell asleep in the car.

Cheng Guodong hugged her out of the car distressedly, completely confused why she worked so hard.

Little Taotie entered a dreamland, with a world of ice and snow in front of her eyes, she ran towards the ice coffin, looked up at the huge phantom, and those claws became more solid.

Standing in front of the ice coffin, she looked at the little white beast inside, clenched her fists and said firmly, "I will definitely work hard. If many, many people like and worship me, they can gain the power of faith and repair it sooner." Yuanshen, you can wake up when the time comes!"

She looked in a direction where there had been a death knell.

Little Taotie vaguely had an answer in his heart, knowing that God of War might never come back to see the little white beast in the ice coffin again, because he couldn't come back.

"You have to wake up sooner, you can figure out everything when you wake up, and you him, right?"

Little Taotie tilted his head, a little dazed, but also had a premonition.

It seems that as long as the primordial spirit is restored and the little white beast wakes up, the God of War may also return.

After waking up from the dream, Little Taotie opened his eyes, blinked, and gradually woke up.

The memory in the dream became a little fuzzy again, she only remembered that she had to hurry up, what should I do sooner?

After thinking for a long time, I realized that I need to quickly accumulate merit and faith.

Learning metaphysics from Ma Ming, Xiao Taotie also knows how to accumulate merit, such as devouring the grievances of resentful spirits to help them reincarnate, or devouring evil spirits to prevent evil spirits from harming ordinary people. These are all ways to gain certain merit.

The power of faith is to make people like themselves and worship themselves. Becoming a superstar is the fastest and easiest way.

In fact, you can also become an inventor, scientist, etc., which is admirable.

But now she is too young and doesn't know many things, so she can't do it yet.

Now the only way to gain faith is by becoming a star.

She has also thought about whether she can gain faith by relying on other abilities in the future. She has always heard adults say that if you study hard, you can be successful and become useful to the country. She thinks that she should study hard first.

There is still half a month before the start of school, and Little Taotie is already looking forward to it.

Little Taotie went downstairs, and seeing the four brothers were all there, he stepped forward and called out one by one in a childlike voice: "Good morning, big brother! Good morning, second brother! Good morning, brother Shen! Good morning, brother Xiaobin!"

Tao Shen and Tao Bin looked at each other, feeling sore in their hearts.

After eating breakfast, Xiao Taotie realized that there was one person missing today, and asked, "Where's Hua Jinyan?"

"Oh, he was picked up, saying that his grandfather was sick."

Little Taotie tilted his head, and blurted out: "It's not like his grandfather, he's just pretending to be sick, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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