Chapter 297 You Actually Have Friends
Just as Little Taotie guessed, Grandpa Gu is now pretending to be sick.

He got the inspiration from Grandpa Hua. He heard that after Grandpa Hua pretended to be sick, he successfully met his longing grandson, so he painted gourds and pretended to be sick.

Sure enough, the little grandson came back to see him!
Grandpa Gu was lying on the bed, yelling ouch, as if he was dying of illness.

Hua Jinyan believed it at first, but he didn't become suspicious until he saw the pale grandfather, his face was dry and chalky.

At a young age, he had a serious ice face, looked at Grandpa Gu with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "What's wrong with Grandpa?"

"Hey, oh, I'm getting older, it's just some old problems recurring, and it's fatal to relapse together!" Grandpa Gu secretly observed the expression of his little grandson, seeing his small face like an ice cube, he muttered in his heart : The little girl was lively and cute when she was young, why did she give birth to a little grandson so cold?
"What kind of disease is it? You need to see a doctor and take medicine. If it is serious, you should have surgery."

Hearing the word "surgery", Grandpa Gu shivered and coughed dryly: "It's nothing serious, just toothache, backache, high blood pressure..."

Hua Jinyan looked at him expressionlessly, and Grandpa Gu's voice became softer and softer.

Grandpa Gu murmured in his heart: This little grandson is not only aloof, but also has fierce eyes.Which woman likes to face this ice cube every day?The fiery heart will be frozen and shattered into pieces.

Grandpa Gu has already started to worry about his seven-year-old grandson asking for a wife in the future, and he feels that he should reform his little grandson.

Look at the little grandson's black suit.

A seven-year-old boy should dress brightly, how can he be so lifeless!
Grandma Gu came in with a bowl of medicinal soup that exuded a strange smell. When she smelled the medicinal soup that smelled like stinky feet, the expression on Grandpa Gu's face could hardly hold back. He looked at Grandma Gu suspiciously, "Daughter-in-law, you What are you doing?"

Grandma Gu smiled: "This is the tonic brought by Jinyan, and it is said that after drinking it, it will be cured."

Grandpa Gu looked at his little grandson unrequitedly, "Is what your grandma said true? You made this thing?"

Hua Jinyan nodded, and answered seriously: "Specialized in treating toothache, backache, high blood pressure..."

Grandpa Gu felt that he would have high blood pressure even if he didn't have high blood pressure!

After drinking this bowl of soup, he can probably be sent away directly!

Heaven will open its doors to him!

Grandpa Gu covered his forehead, and the veins on his forehead jumped suddenly, "I can't do it!"

Hua Jin said: "Grandpa, if you are about to die, you should drink more. Just drink it and you will be fine."

"I suspect that you are eager to inherit my inheritance." Grandpa Gu covered his mouth and resolutely refused to drink.

Grandma Gu couldn't help laughing out loud, put the bowl on the bedside table, and patted Grandpa Gu's stomach vigorously, "Okay, stop pretending, my little grandson can see it, and deliberately made this soup to punish you Woolen cloth!"

Grandpa Gu couldn't believe it, and put down his hand covering his mouth, "How is this possible, I obviously pretend to be more than Hua Lao's avatar! I am an acting school, and I have been calling you for a long time!"

Hua Jinyan reached out and scraped off a layer of powder from Grandpa Gu's face, "The makeup is too thick, and the powder still sticks."

Grandpa Gu looked at Grandma Gu sadly, "I told you, don't put on makeup, don't put on makeup, there's no need to put on makeup at all! Look, it's all defeated by this now!"

Hua Jinyan wiped off the powder on his hands, helplessly: "Grandpa, don't always learn from my grandpa."

"I didn't learn from him." Grandpa Gu said without confidence, and said with a guilty conscience, "I miss you, you have gone abroad to see him, why don't you come and see me, I am in China, and I don't want you to go abroad. "

Seeing the sad and angry look of the old man, Hua Jinyan let go and said, "I will come to see you often in the future."

"What are you busy with? The last time I went to see you at your house, your mother said that you were busy and not at home. I went to your father's crew to find you, and your father said that you were busy with him. Then I went to Shaolin Temple again, and Shaolin Temple said you I haven't been back for a long time."

Grandma Gu patted Grandpa Gu on the stomach, "What do you care about so much! You even went to the little girl's place behind my back! You even harassed the little son-in-law on the set! You even went to the Shaolin Temple to trouble the monks! You are really talented!"

Grandpa Gu looked at Hua Jinyan begging for help. Hua Jinyan sighed and could only choose to help him, "I live in a friend's house and study with her. Every day there will be a teacher to teach us."

"A friend's house? Do you still have friends?" Grandpa Gu seemed to have heard something strange. His little grandson, with his ice face and autistic personality, could still make friends?Who is willing to be his friend?
(End of this chapter)

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