Chapter 317 Funny Four Frame Comics

【I'm dying of laughter! 】

[This is an idea born from rock-paper-scissors! 】

[Spiritual and ingenious ideas never appear deliberately, they are all born by coincidence! 】

[Little Taotie is simply a cutie in the world, so much fun!I can still think of the cute expressions of her and her comrades making stones at the same time! 】

[Her comrades must be broken inside, right? 】

[Is her comrade-in-arms also a child? 】

[It shouldn't be a child, can a child have such good drawing skills? 】

[Little Taotie, how old is your comrade-in-arms? 】

Little Taotie saw this message and knew the words in it, so he quickly replied: "My comrade-in-arms is one year older than me, and he is seven years old this year!"

[Seven years old! 】

[Mask man, find a place to bury yourself!A college graduate is not as good as a seven-year-old child! 】

[I bet, he must be watching the live broadcast, not daring to say anything! 】

[Mask man, are you in the live broadcast room, come out!I promise not to kill you! 】

"I've already agreed, I'm going to bed, good night everyone! What a treat!" Little Taotie blew a kiss to the camera, with deep dimples, sweet and cute!
[Good night, Zai Zai! 】

[Cub, what a da! 】

[Zai Zai has a good dream! 】

[See you tomorrow, Zai Zai! 】……

Little Taotie turned off the live broadcast, yawned, tilted his head to look at Cheng Guodong, Qin Xin, and Hua Jin, and said, "I'm going to sleep! Big brother, second brother, comrades, good night!"

Cheng Guodong: "Why didn't we blow kisses!"

Qin Xin: "We want too!"

Hua Jinyan blushed and nodded in agreement: "I want it too."

Little Taotie blinked, and blew a kiss to them, and said in a childish voice, "So sleepy, so sleepy!"

Only then did the three leave the room, and Hua Jinyan closed the door for her intimately.

Funny four-frame comics appeared on the Internet.

The first frame: the miniature version of Xiao Taotie came to another child with two sweaters. The child did not draw a clear gender, like a girl, but also like a boy, mainly because Xiao Taotie did not disclose in the live broadcast room. Male or female.

In the dialog box of the mini version of Little Glutton is: Comrades, which one do you think is suitable for battle?

The second frame: the comrade-in-arms kid looked left and right, a string of mosquito coils floated above his head, he shook his head: I don’t know, I can’t choose!
The third frame: The miniature version of Xiao Taotie gave a sweater to his comrades, and suggested: Rock paper scissors, whoever wins will wear it!Just cut half and half and sew together to wear!

The fourth frame: Two children stretched out their fists at the same time, and a profitable idea was born!With pictures 'lover' brand!
This is the official four-frame comic of the 'Lover' brand, which has aroused praise, likes and reposts from many netizens.

Xiao Taotie woke up, first went to the live broadcast room to say good morning to everyone, and saw many fans recommending four-frame comics to her.

She dazedly clicked on a link, entered the official website of 'Lover', and saw the four-frame comic on the homepage.

She tilted her head, stared at the male and female comrade-in-arms for a long time, and very dissatisfied called the uncle of the 'lover' president.

In fact, the president is the same age as Cheng Guodong, but because of his thinning hair, Little Taotie always thought he was very old.

"Uncle President, Hua Jinyan is a boy and shouldn't be wearing a pink sweater!"

"Your comrade is a little boy?"


"He will definitely become a talented painter!"

"He doesn't seem to want to be a painter."

"His paintings of Bana flowers are really amazing!"

"The little white beast he drew is the best!"

"Can you show me?"

"Do not show you!"

President: "...that's fine."

Little Taotie laughed.

"What color should I ask someone to change the pink sweater of the four-panel manga into? What color does he like to wear?"

Little Taotie immediately replied: "Black!"

(End of this chapter)

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