Chapter 318 The Netizens Are Chatting
The four-panel manga on the official website of 'Lover' has been changed.

The vast number of netizens are like a small radar, and they immediately discovered it!

[It was originally pink, right? 】

[Short hair, wearing a pink sweater, looks like a boy, but also looks like a girl, and now it's changed to pink, is it confirmed that the "comrade-in-arms" is a boy? 】

【real or fake? "Comrades" are boys! 】

[Do you usually watch Xiao Taotie's live broadcast?Do you remember that there is a little boy playing chess with her! 】

【If you don't tell me, I almost forgot!Yes, there is a little boy who plays chess with Xiao Taotie, could it be him! 】

[Case solved!It must be him!Playing chess together, we must be comrades in arms! 】

[Hahaha, a [-]-word essay has automatically appeared in my mind! 】

[You only have 30 words?I have presented the plot of the [-]-word novel! 】

[Childhood sweetheart and childhood sweetheart!Hahaha, so much love!I really want to see what the little boy looks like, and whether he is worthy of my family! 】

[As the saying goes, a bamboo horse is no match for the sky! 】

[Upstairs, you went too far, you shattered my dream, and the 30-word novel suddenly ended in be! 】

[Hahaha, it’s too bad, I’m dying of laughter, I feel like I’m actually reading a romance novel!I want to watch the little Taotie's love affair! 】

[Bamboo horse, you must resist the attack from the sky! 】

[Hahaha, what you guys are saying seems to have really fallen from the sky! 】

[Tsk, some things won't come if you don't say them, but they will come if you say them, maybe Xiao Taotie will meet the sky tomorrow! 】

[I can't stand you gossip people, my little Taotie is only six years old, okay!Not 16, not 26!It's six years old! 】

[What happened to the six-year-old?Do you look down on the six-year-old prodigy?He is now an actor, a variety show expert, or a talented young designer!Much more capable than an adult like you! 】

[Upstairs, I just want to tell you that she is only six years old, so don't mess around with her!What do you mean by that last word, personal attack! 】

[Don't make noise, don't make noise!Everyone is a fan of Zai Zai, we must be harmonious and friendly, and create a better future together! 】

[My daughter in the nursery school already has a little boyfriend, and she even took the man's can ring as a token of love, and made an appointment to marry him when she grows up! 】

[No, I'm going to die laughing!Upstairs, your daughter's puppy love, you have to stop it! 】

[I can't stop it, pretending to be a housewife, she has already had a wife and husband with the man!The two have become parents, and they have several sons and daughters from the same class in the nursery! 】

[The child is indeed precocious now. My son watches cartoons and plays the role of the playboy in the cartoons all day long. He flicks his bangs when he has nothing to do. When he sees a beautiful little girl, he says "Hi, baby~"]

【My three-year-old daughter, when she saw the little boy in the idol group, shouted: "God! I will marry you when I grow up!"】

[God!Today's children are incredible! 】

[Our Huaguo has not yet gone to the world, a child star who has entered Hollywood filming.In a country where life is good, there is already a child star who entered Hollywood at the age of eight!At the age of six, he won an award and got soft hands! 】

【Frankly speaking, compared to this little child star, my little Taotie debuted late. 】

[Is that star an adult now? 】

[It seems to be an adult, right? 】

[Not an adult, Cai Cai is 17 years old this year, and there are still four months before she becomes an adult! 】

[Upstairs, are you a fan of actors from a country that lives a good life? 】

【No, no, no, I'm not, I don't! 】

[Hahaha, the upstairs is so cowardly! 】


Little Taotie searched the room, but couldn't find the "little lion". She imitated the voice of "little lion": "Meow meow? Little lion, where are you?"

"Little lion, it's time for breakfast! Come out quickly!"

"Meow~" a cat meowed.

Little Taotie looked up, but only saw an orange figure jumping out quickly!
"Little lion!" Little Taotie yelled, chased after him, and ran out of the gate of the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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