Chapter 319 The Miserable Little Boy

The little Taotie chased the orange figure all the way, and waited until the orange figure ran into an ancient villa whose outer wall looked dilapidated and covered with creepers, the little Taotie stopped and did not dare to go any further.

Just as she turned to leave, she heard a shrill cat meow.

The cry was like that of a lion cub, but not like that of a cub. It seemed to be a little shriller than that of a lion cub.

The cry was so miserable, Little Taotie did not go back, but quietly approached the villa.

The door rails of the villa are already rusted, and the gap between the two bars is very large, which is big for a six-year-old child.

She turned around and squeezed in smoothly.

"Meow!" A shrill meow sounded in high decibels, but after one sound, it became a weak cry of "Mi...mi...".

Little Taotie was anxious and quickened his pace, not caring how eerie the surroundings looked.

She is a child who is bold even when she sees A Piao, so in the eyes of ordinary people, she walks like flying in a strange place like a haunted house, without any hesitation or hesitation.

Little Taotie is full of anxiety to rescue the kitty!
She looked for the sound, but suddenly the sound of the cat stopped, and she couldn't hear any calls, and she couldn't tell the direction.

Logically, there should be many, many apiao in this gloomy place like an abandoned factory, but the little glutton has been in for a long time, and he didn't see a single apiao.

The more this is the case, the more weird and unpredictable this place seems.

Little Taotie, who was originally bold and bold, suddenly became flustered, because she lost her way, and it didn't matter if she couldn't find the kitten, and she couldn't even find the direction to go out.

Looking back, she couldn't see the rusty railing door at all.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid!" Xiao Taotie murmured to himself, his little face turned serious, and he looked very serious.

As she walked through a door, she heard a slight knock.

She covered her mouth, didn't dare to make a sound, and didn't dare to push the door open. Instead, she leaned into the crack of the door and carefully peeked inside.

It was very dark inside, and she couldn't see anything, but she heard movement again, as if someone was suppressing a cough.

She took a few steps back, apparently not expecting that there were still people living here.

I remember my elder brother said that breaking into a house illegally is a crime!
Little Taotie wants to find the door, get out of here!

But after going around in a circle, he went back to the door again. This time the cough was louder, and the person inside seemed to be coughing to death.

Little Taotie was holding a bottle of cat milk in her hand. She was going to find the "little lion" to drink for it, but who knew that the "little lion" ran out of the door suddenly, so she had no choice but to chase after it, and took it all the way. This bottle of milk is chasing.

"Do you need water?" Little Taotie asked in a low voice.

The coughing sound inside suddenly stopped, but after a moment of suppression, it was replaced by a more severe coughing sound.

Little Taotie also forgot to be afraid, pushed open the door with great heart, and walked in.

She couldn't see clearly, it was too dark inside, so she took out the mobile phone in her pocket and turned on the flashlight of the mobile phone.

The light illuminated the dark place.

There were dark, mottled and moldy walls on all sides, and a concrete floor on which a thick layer of dust had already accumulated. On the ground lay a boy who looked about the same age as Hua Jinyan.

The boy's face was pale, and he was wearing a small white suit, which was covered in black mud footprints, which were dry and cracked, as if someone had stepped on it several days ago.

He was tied with an iron chain, and the other end of the iron chain was welded to the concrete floor. He had dragged the iron chain to the limit, but he was still ten meters away from the door.

The boy raised his eyes and looked over. His skin was very fair, and the corners of his mouth became even whiter with blood stains. His long eyelashes and washed deer eyes looked pure and beautiful.

 10 ~
(End of this chapter)

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