Chapter 323

After waiting for a short time, the bus came, and the little girl boarded the bus with the little boy on her back, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the bus.

Xiao Taotie, who is six years old this year, grew up in the mountains before, so he is a little shorter than children of the same age. Although he eats and drinks well these days, he develops completely vertically. He is white and tender, and his height has not grown. Still a little one.

If it does not reach 120 cm, Xiao Taotie does not need to pay for the car.

The boy was actually over this height, but he was being carried by the little Taotie, making him look like a disabled person.

The bus driver turned a blind eye and didn't ask the two children to pay.

Little Taotie disliked the boy's behavior of urinating everywhere, so she put on a mask, but she hasn't taken it off now, and no one recognizes her.

"Come on, kid, sit here." A fat aunt beckoned to Xiao Taotie and gave her the seat.

Little Taotie saw that the fat aunt's stomach was bulging, like a big belly, and shook his head: "I'm not tired, so I don't need to sit!"

"Why don't you feel tired when you carry one on your back?" The fat aunt stepped forward and pulled Xiao Taotie, forcing her to sit down.

Little Taotie could only put the boy on the chair, and said in a childish voice, "Thank you, Auntie, it will be fine for him to sit. I will stand with you and chat with you."

The fat aunt didn't expect the little girl to be so playful, so she laughed: "Okay, then let's chat!"

"Little girl, is he your brother? Is he born unable to walk?"

"Yes, my little brother." Little Taotie nodded proudly.

Little Taotie thinks he is a hero. In TV dramas, when a hero saves someone, those people will kneel down and call him benevolent, and they will follow the hero from then on, becoming a little brother's follower.

"He was just injured, and he will be able to walk in the future." Little Taotie replied in a childish voice.

The corner of the boy's mouth twitched, but he didn't make a sound, and let this little benefactor with social bullying disorder negotiate.

"That's good, otherwise you will be troubled for the rest of your life. You can't be a Voldemort when you grow up! Now that the opening is open for three days, the patriarchal situation is gradually recovering. I have an old lady who forced her daughter-in-law to have another one. Girl, she was so angry that she didn't want to give her a hug! She forced her elderly daughter-in-law to give birth to another baby, and this time she gave birth to a baby boy. Hey, it hurts so badly, I give him all the delicious food, and the two little girls can only do it Baba looked at it, drooling and didn't dare to ask for it, it's really pitiful..."

As if she had opened up the chatterbox of the fat aunt, the fat aunt kept on talking, trying to brainwash the little Taotie, "Even if you are your own brother, you can't spoil him, you are so small, your bones haven't grown well, why do you carry it on your back?" He squeezed the bus? From now on, you can take a taxi, don't tire yourself..."

Little Taotie covered the phone in his pocket, and said in a low voice, "Taxi is very expensive, if you can't take a taxi, it's better not to take a taxi."

"Look, you are so petty at such a young age, it's all caused by patriarchy! You must have suffered a lot at home, right? You are generous, and girls have to be generous to be cute! How much does it cost to take a taxi? Money, you wait, Auntie will give you the money, you get out of the car and take a taxi now!"

The fat aunt really took out the wallet, opened the zipper, took out a red ticket, thought for a while, and added another one, and stuffed the two red tickets into the little Taotie's pocket, the little Taotie hurriedly covered the pocket and fled away Take a few steps to distance yourself from the fat aunt.

"No, I can't ask for your money!"

"Why are you being polite with Auntie? You've called me Auntie several times. Isn't it just a good year? Just be your auntie and give you the new year's money! Hurry up, don't be petty, and accept it generously!"

The fat aunt ran over, and the little Taotie ran away again in a hurry. On the bus, the two ran away while the other chased.

The fat aunt rolled her eyes, returned to her original position, and stuffed the money directly into the unsuspecting boy's pocket.

The boy was enjoying watching the play when suddenly he was forcibly stuffed into his pocket.

The fat aunt did not give them a chance to pay back the money. The bus just pulled over and opened the door. The fat aunt got off the bus and ran away regardless of whether it arrived or not.

Little Taotie: "..."


The two looked at each other and were stunned.

The other passengers on the bus let out good-natured laughter, which brought the two stunned children back to their senses.

 14 ~
(End of this chapter)

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