Chapter 324

Boy: "Let's get out of the car too."

He lowered his head, embarrassed to look around at the passengers smiling at them.

Little Taotie sighed, at such a young age, he was very old-fashioned: "Brother said you can't take things from strangers, I must find my auntie and return the money to her!"

The bus had already driven away, and the fat aunt had disappeared long ago. The boy handed her the money, but said helplessly, "Next time you have a destiny, you will return it to her."

Little Taotie nodded seriously, took the two red tickets and folded them squarely, carefully putting them in the small pocket inside his clothes.

The boy asked: "How many pockets do you have in this dress? It can hold wet tissues and masks, and there are pockets inside! Like an elder of the beggar gang!"

"Hmph! Don't think I can't hear it, you're calling me a little beggar!"

The boy quickly shook his head and waved his hands: "I didn't, I was just joking! In the beggar gang, the more pockets, the higher the status!"

Little Taotie turned his back and ignored him.

Another person wanted to give up his seat to Xiao Taotie. Seeing that he was about to arrive at the station, Xiao Taotie was afraid that someone would give her money while chatting, so he hurriedly carried the boy on his back, and politely refused: "Thank you uncle, we have arrived at the station, goodbye! "

The little girl tilted her head to say goodbye, and waved her little hand.

The man felt that the waving movement of this little hand looked familiar no matter how he looked, and those beautiful big eyes were also familiar!

By the time he remembered where he had seen him, the little girl had already got off the car with the boy on her back.

"Little Glutton! It's Little Glutton!" The man was very annoyed, "I missed the opportunity to take a photo with Zai Zai, hey, I'm not a qualified father fan, and I didn't recognize Zai Zai wearing a mask!"

Sitting next to him was his girlfriend, seeing him muttering and annoyed, she asked what happened.

"The one just now was Little Taotie! I'm sure!"

"Don't be kidding, Xiao Taotie is a child star, and the comings and goings are not always picked up by the nanny car, how can he squeeze the bus with his brother on his back?"

"It's really Xiao Taotie, I've seen that way of waving her hands countless times in the live broadcast room!"

"You must like Xiao Taotie too much, so you have hallucinations."

"You have to trust me, I'm sure!"

The girlfriend didn't take it seriously at all. Seeing that he liked Xiao Taotie so much, she said, "You like your daughter so much. After that, when we get married, I won't be afraid that my mother-in-law will dislike me if I give birth to a daughter. Then I will say that you like my daughter!"

Man: "..." Why did the topic turn into having a daughter?

"Hey, daughter-in-law, are you willing to marry me?"

"Who's the daughter-in-law? Who said I must marry you! Without a decent proposal and a diamond ring, I won't marry you!"

The man thought about it.

He is a programmer and a diligent code farmer. He is usually busy at work, but it is difficult for working-class wages to buy a house and a car, and give her a grand wedding.

During the rest time, he has been working on a game, but the progress is too slow.

He is thinking about whether to resign and stay at home, and concentrate on making it. Once it is made, it can be sold to a big game company, and it will make a lot of money. The rent, car, wedding and wedding money will all be in place!
But if you resign properly, you will become a vagrant. It's fine if you succeed at that time, but what if you don't succeed?Isn't it empty at both ends?

He silently reached out and touched his hair, making sure that the wig was on properly, and heaved a sigh of relief: I must keep it from my wife about my baldness!


Little Taotie waited for a while on the road with the boy on his back, finally saw the taxi, waved his little hand vigorously, and the taxi stopped.

Little Taotie opened the car door, put him in the parking space first, then got into the car, and told the driver the address of the villa.

The address was two days ago, and the second brother asked her to memorize it, fearing that if she got lost, she would be able to find her home.

At that time, she was still thinking that she was not a child who could run around, but she didn't expect to use it so soon.

Along the way, Xiao Taotie was also hungry, so he took out a piece of monkey-shaped chocolate and ate it.

The boy at the side: "..." The benefactor actually has something to eat!

The boy's stomach was making a loud noise, obviously he was very hungry.

Little Taotie looked at him from the side, meeting his burning eyes on the chocolate.

She turned her back mercilessly, avoiding his sight, and stuffed the chocolate into her mouth.

 15 ~
  Near the end of the month, let's have a small explosion!It's time to explode~
  Thanks to the readers who gave me rewards at the end of last month and the first half of this month.

  Thank you guys for supporting me these days!
  Thanks to "Shan Sheng Xi Ai" for the reward, and thank you for the reward of "If you don't take the biology test and don't change your name", it seems to be "Qiuwu", right?So you are the first in the class yet?The name was changed the next day!
  Thanks to "Wangyou" for the tip, thanks to "Chenchen" for the tip, thanks to "@石子" for the tip, thanks to "Chenchen" for another tip, thanks to "Xiao Liu loves to drink Matcha Frappuccino" for the tip Reward, thank you "Xiao Liu loves to drink matcha Frappuccino" for another reward, did you accidentally press it twice?
  Thanks to "Chenchen" for the third reward this month!Rich woman, hug your thighs!
  Thanks to "Waiting for the wind and waiting for you" for the reward, thank you for the reward of "You are so lucky", thank you "Pretty Monkey" for the reward, thank you "Lan Juan" for the reward, and thank you "Pretty Monkey" for the reward this month One reward, thank you baby, love you!mwah!
  Thank you "Lan Juan" for tipping again this month, baby, thank you, I love you, ya~!

  Thank you "Qiu Wu" for your reward, and thank you "Qiu Wu" for your generous reward of 588 book coins. You have rewarded me four times this month, and the last time is a huge reward!I love you so much, thank you for your support all the time, I will read the article when you are on vacation!Bear hug~, what a da!

  Thanks to "Lan Juan" for rewarding for the third time this month, rich lady~~ bear hugs her thighs!

  Thank you "Qiu Wu" for the reward, this is the fifth time this month, a proper local tyrant!Hug your thighs! ~

  Little Taotie's milky voice: "Wow!" He blew a kiss~ (immediately blushed, and ran away~)

(End of this chapter)

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