Chapter 329 Call Me Dad

The boy's father received a text message.

——We accidentally rescued your son, your son is safe now, please don't disturb anyone around you, come here alone.

At the end of the text message, the address is attached.

Xie Jiacheng put away his phone calmly, and while his wife was not paying attention, he quietly left from the garage.

He did not doubt that the person who sent the text message was a young investment genius introduced to him by an old friend when he first came to the mainland.

A person who is worth more than himself, why bother to tease himself.

Before arriving at the villa, Xie Jiacheng was in a nervous mood, fearing that it was not his son who was rescued.

The door opened, and he saw the child sitting on the sofa opposite the gate.

It was his son who had been missing for many days!

Xie Jiacheng, a big man of 1.8 meters, burst into tears, rushed over, and hugged his son, full of excitement of regaining what was lost.

Qin Xin handed him a box of tissues, and said, "You can let go, your son will soon be out of breath."

Xie Jiacheng hurriedly let go of the child, and found that the child had multiple scratches on his body, the most serious being the two lower legs, and the lower leg bones were broken.

"Xiao Xian, Dad will take you to the hospital right now!"

The boy stretched out his hand and pushed his father away.

Xie Jiacheng who was pushed away was stunned.

Qin Xin stepped forward to make a rescue: "Listen to what the child has to say first."

"Okay, Xiaoxian, Dad listen to you, don't ignore Dad, don't push Dad away!" Xie Jiacheng had tears in his eyes.

The boy never thought that his father would cry, and his mother went to heaven. Although his father was sad, he did not cry.

At that time, he felt a little resentful towards his father in his heart.

Later, Dad often contacted that woman, and even took the woman who pretended to be his mother as his mother, and he resented Dad even more.

The boy lowered his head, slowly talking about what happened in the past few days:
"They chained me up in a dark room surrounded by a musty and damp smell. I tried to escape, but they broke my legs with iron bars."

"I couldn't walk, so I could only lie on the ground. The dust on the ground went into my nose and mouth. At first they gave me a sip of water and threw me a hard and cold steamed bun. Then they never came again, which means No one brought me water or food."

"I don't know how long it has passed. I can only count in my heart. When I count to [-], it means that an hour has passed, or about two days. I haven't had a drop of water..."

It was said that Xie Jiacheng's tears were like a river breaking its embankment.

"This kidnapping, from the very beginning, didn't intend for me to come back to you alive."

Qin Xin sat quietly at the side, listening to the boy's talk, he was impressed by this calm boy.

At a young age, he is clear and clear, and his sentences are fluent.

If it were an adult, after being kidnapped, he might not be able to say all this calmly and clearly.

"Father, if Little Taotie didn't save me, you will see my dead body in two days."

Xie Jiacheng burst into tears: "It's my father's fault, my father didn't protect you well..."

The boy took out a tissue to wipe his tears, and said softly, "No wonder Grandpa said to me before he died, you are a crying bag, if you make a mistake in the future, let me miss you more, don't get angry with you, or you will die." Will cry to death."

"When mom passed away, you didn't cry. I thought grandpa was talking nonsense."

"Now it seems that Grandpa is right."

Xie Jiacheng hugged his son tightly, and said hoarsely: "Your mother passed away, I dare not cry in front of you, I am afraid that if I cry, you will cry too."

"The abandoned villa has been covered up. We couldn't find the door at all. I used the method my grandfather taught me to break the formation. You said, the method taught by my grandfather is so useful. Could it be that the formation method used by the other party was also taught by my grandfather?" Woolen cloth?"

The boy's eccentric tone was too obvious.

Xie Jiacheng: "..."

Xie Jiacheng borrowed the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, and he regained consciousness.

The current wife was his father's former apprentice. Later, she was kicked out of the teacher's school by his father, and he hadn't seen him for many years.

Xiao Xian's mother passed away, he drank a few more glasses of wine and made a mistake.

At the time she was dressed too much like her late wife.

After one night, the two decided to pretend that nothing happened, but two months later, she was pregnant.

She didn't agree with aborting the child at all.

In desperation, he could only take responsibility and married her for the sake of the child.

The two have maintained a non-interfering marriage, like roommates.

Who would have thought that she would be so ruthless that she would harm Xiao Xian!
After walking out of the bathroom, he handed Qin Xin a cigarette, apparently to have a private chat with Qin Xin.

On the balcony, Xie Jiacheng wanted to light a cigarette for him, but Qin Xin refused: "I have quit smoking."

Xie Jiacheng was very knowledgeable and put away his cigarettes.

"My current wife has some evil skills. I can't offend her for the time being, and I dare not take the child back. Before I can deal with it, can I put the child in your care?"

Qin Xin nodded.

"Thank you!" Xie Jiacheng took out a black card and handed it over, "My card is used for living expenses..."

Qin Xin interrupted him: "Do I look like a poor man?"

Xie Jiacheng said embarrassingly, "It's mainly my family's...expenses."

Qin Xin waved his hand: "I can afford it."

Before leaving, Xie Jiacheng said to the boy: "I'll pick you up after I've dealt with everything."

The boy pursed his lips and said nothing.

When the people left, Qin Xin played with taste: "Your father entrusted you to me. I will raise you in the future. Call me Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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