Chapter 330 Call Me Auntie

Little Taotie trotted anxiously in the corridor of the hospital, entered the ward, saw Hua Jinyan who was lying on the bed, she slowed down, and walked lightly to the side of the bed.

The "little lion" who had been lying in Hua Jinyan's arms raised his furry head, and his cat pupils instantly enlarged, nervous and vigilant!
But when it saw clearly that the person who came was its little master, it immediately relaxed and its pupils shrank.

It opened its small mouth and was about to meow coquettishly, but the little Taotie pinched its mouth.

"Little Lion" struggled.

Little Taotie gave it a "shush" and whispered, "Don't wake him up."

Hua Jinyan felt the kitten in his arms moving around, but he was still woken up.

He opened his eyes, his eyes were blank, not knowing what was going on.

Suddenly, he met the little Taotie's eyes full of concern.

Little Taotie's voice was full of worry and tension: "Hua Jinyan, why are you sick? Did you kick the quilt at night?"

Hua Jinyan smiled when he saw her. Although his face was pale, he looked in a good mood.

"You gave me too much chocolate, I accidentally ate too much."

After eating too much chocolate, he fell into a dream for a long time, and it seemed to the outside world that he was lethargic with a high fever.

"Fifty to five points, so is it too much?" Little Taotie tilted his head, sighed, and imitated the tone of an adult, with a childish voice: "You are unlucky. Just like my grandson, if you eat too much, you will have diarrhea."

Hua Jin said: "..."

Little Taotie took the "little lion" out of his arms, hugged it in his arms, and asked, "Has it been nestled in your arms?"

"A spirit cat came to the villa. The little lion was very scared, so he hid in my arms and refused to come out."

"So it's really a spirit cat."

"Did you see it too?" Hua Jinyan asked.

Little Taotie nodded: "It led me to an abandoned villa, and I saved a person."

Little Taotie began to tell about his heroic deeds...

She raised her head and raised her chest: "I am a hero!"

Hua Jin's words didn't match his heart and said: "Did you call the police? His parents must be very worried about him, so send him back quickly."

Hua Jinyan thought to himself: send him away quickly!
Little Taotie shook his head: "They said they would wait for him to have a good meal and take him to the police station. I don't know where he is now? I heard that you were sick and hospitalized, so I rushed over immediately and left him alone."

Hearing this, Hua Jinyan's heart felt warm, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Are you really alright?" Little Taotie stretched out his small hand to touch his forehead.

As if the little hands were not sure about the temperature, the little man moved closer and pressed his forehead against his forehead.

Hua Jinyan looked into her eyes that were close at hand, his face was hot, and he said softly, "It's okay, the fever has subsided."

Little Taotie was at a loss: "Why are you still hot? Your face is also red!"

Hua Jinyan's face turned redder, and his voice became softer: "I'm really fine, and I can be discharged from the hospital later."

"Can you really leave the hospital?"


Hua Jinyan said that he was discharged from the hospital, and went home with Xiao Taotie.

Back at the villa, opened the door, Xiao Taotie saw the person sitting on the sofa, and blurted out: "Why are you still here?"

Boy: "..." How much do you want me to go?

Hua Jinyan, who was following the little Taotie, walked into the door and looked at the boy.

It was as if something exploded in the air.

Hua Jinyan's deep eyes became deeper, and the fundus of his eyes was dark.

The boy's innocent eyes, which looked like deer, blinked, and the unfriendly light in his eyes flashed away.

Qin Xin explained: "His father is my friend, please ask me to take care of him for a while. When his father finishes his work, he will come to pick him up."

Little Taotie said in a milky voice, "Second brother, his father is your friend, so should he call you uncle? Should he call me aunt?"

Qin Xin smiled: "He called me Dad."

The boy was in a hurry: "I didn't agree!"

Qin Xin smiled and said, "Your father and I are of the same generation, children should be polite, call someone quickly."

Little Taotie followed suit, clapping his little hands: "Hurry up and call me aunt!"

(End of this chapter)

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