Chapter 331 The Bamboo Horse Won This Round
Cheng Guodong learned that there were many brats in the family, so he elbowed Qin Xin: "Can't you raise a girl?"

Qin Xin smiled: "I can let him wear women's clothes to satisfy you."

Cheng Guodong felt hot eyes and waved his hands: "I want to live a few more years."

Qin Xin raised his chin and looked towards a certain place, "Don't you want to see which one is more powerful, Zhuma or Tianxiang?"

Cheng Guodong looked in the direction Qin Xin was pointing at, and saw Little Taotie forcing the boy to call her aunt, the boy had no choice but to beg for mercy: "Little aunt, please forgive me!"

Facing them, Hua Jinyan watched silently, his eyes were heavy, and he looked depressed.

Cheng Guodong almost laughed out loud: "He also has today! I just wait for him to cry!"

Hua Jinyan raised his head, met Cheng Guodong's gloating eyes, and asked calmly, "Does he not need to see a doctor for his leg? I think he is more suitable for hospitalization."

Qin Xin: "I forgot, his leg is broken."

Cheng Guodong supported his forehead: "It seems that the bamboo horse won this round."

Qin Xin: "You have overlooked one point. They are still young, and Xiao Xian can only be regarded as the No. 2 bamboo horse, not a descendant from the sky."

Cheng Guodong: "..."

Qin Xin smiled: "I'll take him to the hospital."

The boy was carried away by Qin Xin, and before going out, he shouted to Xiao Taotie: "Little aunt, grandma, I will be back soon."

Little Taotie was very satisfied, like a real elder, he waved to him, "Recover well, I will visit you in the hospital."

Hua Jinyan thought to himself: he has been injured for a hundred days, and when he is discharged from the hospital, his father should also come to pick him up.

Little Taotie fed the "little lion" the milk the cat drank, thinking of the spirit cat, and thinking of the miserable meowing in the abandoned villa, he felt a little uncomfortable.

She knelt down, touched the head of "little lion", and said softly, "little lion, you must be obedient and don't run around. There are many bad people outside."

"Are you worried about the spirit orange cat?" Hua Jinyan knelt down and stroked the kitten as well.

Little Taotie nodded, and the little milk voice was full of worry: "I heard its screams, but I couldn't find it."

"I'll accompany you to find it."

Little Taotie shook his head: "It's like a labyrinth, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out after entering."

Hua Jinyan suggested: "When Teacher Ma comes to class on Saturday, let's ask Teacher Ma to take us to find the spirit orange cat."

Little Taotie's originally frowned brows relaxed and he became happy: "Okay!"


The boy suffered fractures in both legs and delayed treatment. He also had multiple wounds on his body and had to be hospitalized for treatment.

Qin Xin returned to the villa alone, and Cheng Guodong asked, "How long will you stay?"

"The doctor said to observe after ten days, and we will talk about the specifics at that time."

"Is he Xie Ka-shing's son?"

Qin Xin nodded.

Cheng Guodong muttered: "You have a big heart, why don't you feel relieved to hand over the child to you, a big man?"

Qin Xin: "I look reliable."

"It seems that there is no other choice?"

Qin Xin did not deny it.

"Tell me what's going on."

Qin Xin told about the bad things in Xie Jiacheng's family.

Cheng Guodong was amazed the whole time, like a mountain man who had never seen the world.

Cheng Guodong: "I used to think that the competition between rich and powerful families was just a show on TV. After all, everyone has a lot of money, and they can live for several lives without fighting or grabbing. Why bother. Now I know that art comes from reality, and this kind of thing really exists. "

Qin Xin: "Xie Jiacheng is still a good father. There are too many men from wealthy families who are embarrassing the children born to their original wives for the sake of mistresses and illegitimate children."

"Long experience."


Saturday finally came, Xiao Taotie couldn't wait to open the door, and stood at the door to welcome Teacher Ma.

Ma Ming is suspicious: "You greet me so enthusiastically, do you need my help?"

(End of this chapter)

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