Chapter 333 The Pregnant Bad Woman

Little Taotie ran all the way to the abandoned villa, and just as she was about to enter, she saw a car approaching here.

She found a corner and hid, not daring to look up.

The headlights illuminated the surroundings, Xiao Taotie did not dare to move for fear of being discovered.

The car goes directly to the underground garage of the villa.

The light from the headlights went out, so Little Taotie poked his head out to look.

She wanted to go home a little bit, but she was not reconciled.

She felt extremely uncomfortable when she thought that as long as she left and didn't care about it, there would be innocent kittens who would be used to vent their anger and die miserably in the end.

Little Taotie squeezed his fists to cheer himself up, and quietly entered the villa.

In the garage, the man stopped the car and looked at the pregnant woman beside him, "The child is gone."

The woman with a big belly stretched out her hand to touch her belly, and sneered: "Have you hid? You are here, let's play with the cat for a while, and then we will leave."

The man got out of the car and took out a big bag from the trunk.

Something in the sack was struggling, constantly moving around.

The man opened the bag, and there was a sound in the bag: "Meow!"

With a cold face, the man stretched out his hand to lift the kitten's back collar expressionlessly.

This is a little puppet cat with big innocent eyes.

The woman sat in the car from the beginning to the end and did not get out. The man brought the cat to the window and patted it.

The woman lowered the window and the man stuffed the cat in.

There was a kitten screaming in the car!

Little Taotie had just sneaked into the parking garage when he heard the kitten's scream.

Little Taotie saw a man leaning against the car smoking a cigarette, and vaguely saw a long-haired woman in the car.

Xiao Taotie estimated the difference in strength with the opponent in his heart, and was surprised to find that he didn't have to be afraid at all.

For this man who is not as tall as his second brother, as long as he exerts his strength, he can be knocked out with a fist.

Little Taotie swaggered over and stood in front of the man.

The man was surprised: "Are you a starlet?"

Little Taotie didn't expect that even this villain knew him.

"Even if you are my fan, I will not forgive you!" Little Taotie clenched his fists and greeted him directly.

The man backed away again and again. He had watched the "No. 3" video. At that time, someone said that the little mermaid Taotao punched through the hull of the ship with her fist. It was not a special effect, nor was it a fake ship.
He didn't believe it at the time, but now that he was accidentally punched by the little girl, he completely believed it!

If he hadn't been wearing a bulletproof vest, this punch would have sent him away!

The man kept backing away to avoid the attack, and asked in a puzzled manner: "Little Taotie, did you misunderstand something? We didn't know each other before, and it's not good for you to hit someone as soon as we meet! Can you stop hitting, we Have a good talk? Did you admit the wrong person? "

Little Taotie heard that the kitten's voice was getting weaker and weaker, his eyes were red, and he punched it hard, "It was you who hit it! Big villain!"

Even though he was wearing a body armor, the man spat out a mouthful of blood, and felt that his internal organs and lungs were all dislocated.

The man was in so much pain that he couldn't stand still. He supported the car, knocked on the window, and tried to ask the woman for help.

The woman let go of the dying puppet cat cub in her hand, opened the door and got out of the car.

Her belly protruded, as if she had a watermelon in her stomach.

Little Taotie originally wanted to beat up the villain who bullied the kitten, but when he saw her stomach, he stopped and lowered his fist.

The woman narrowed her eyes dangerously, realized something, and asked gloomily, "You saved that oil bottle?"

(End of this chapter)

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